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The Order of the Dragon


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Well lads and lasses the cave is on its new server, and eggs are dropping, breeding will be brought in slowly, so some are breeding so there is action on the AP page also..which is wise or we'd have overload..if everyone had a go at it at once that was wise of TJ..

If you click on breeding it will tell you when you can start, liker I can on the 6th, Dezi you can in the 7th, BTW I caught a couple cave borns for you, this time I will gender them , and then put them in your scroll, you yet need a male fire, male earth,, and a female storm..to have all your pairs,and of course a male silver..


SO those below are for you all goes well clicky please..all..

And Aye as Dezi says if all ghoesd well out nefarious plan will benifit , when all is ready to go..

For now the egggies are back on the AP page waiting for new homes all...


I am going to PM everyone here thats active...if I can...thats the Cave is back!!!!

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Why when this bloody thing pauses, and you pressed preview, then give up and press apply it posts twice...Bloody'ell..I immensely dislike that...Sorry all fro the double post.. Edited by Aeryn333
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Well I PM'd all active members and no-one has yet returned sad.. :sweat:

I did gender a male earth dragon for you, then lost it trying to transfer it to your scroll, I open your scroll in Firefox so I can enable refresh every 1 second, and forget to enable it, and thus lost that long gendered male..

So again I am trying..Since none of my silver's gendered anything..they showed disinterest in everyone..I wonder if TJ has a hold on the rare productions, until everyone can breed..


I even tried to breed your silver, since your so busy right now, I also tried to do get you a spring by trying to breed your seasonals, as I did mine with n o luck only to go to the forum, and it says, Springs are being held off also until all poeple can start breeding...I was wondering whey no-one wanted to breed..I thought I'd surprise you with a Spring, well by the time the Springs are released they will be able to breed again...I tried at least..


As for your silver I was hoping she'd breed, and I'd surprise you, so maybe you'd have a male there for you waiting, a brother to your silver, and no luck..she produced a Water I didn't know if you wanted a second water girl, for the Silvers do like them, so you might want two and two..for you have two males, if she genders female, I'll get her back to you, for I have plenty..I just want to gender her for you, its your Silvers first born after all.. and this time enable auto refresh which guarantees to work when enabled that is..


I also got another earth green egg and a female storm you needed..I am sure they wiill gender right..for you..


The Lil *censored* I don't believe they are censoring that now, its not necessarily a swear word here..b-u-g-g-er..thats ridiculous, we call friends that in a loving craic way, and they are censoring that word is unbelievable.. anways..the red didn't gender right for me, so I abandoned it...Like I said there is a very small % of like 5 to 10 that it will gender miss for me, Its usually right..But these reds are being stubborn..Like all fire, I should know Sagg that I am, fire signs can be stubborn..lolol..

Right now no more room on my scroll so I will try later fro your reds male companion..


Hope you got your new 'puter by now and my last PM..

I hope people return..or I am going to have to start posting somewhere.....just to maybe get clicks..


Love ya thanks for clicking, and heres some more when you get back, I will put them in the hatchery and Day care though..I depend on that place for my eggs and wee ones, for I don't post allot..Those places are a life saver..as my scroll is a witness of..


Edited by Aeryn333
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Aye it is, Mayu your back.... :thumbsup: ...

Clicked yours also.. :biggrin:

I might join there but theres no eggs, or hatchies in the Sigs there..to click..

How did you know,I was suppose to be incognito there , ah Dezi told on me..lololol..

OT_beat one of your scores Mayu, and am tied with you at 10.. :whistling:

Well I just checked I stand corrected you just moved past me Again, I will HAVE TO DO SOMETHING ABOUT THAT..LOL :cool:



@Dezi me love

I also got your purple partner for my counterpart on your scroll as we talked about..she just hatched so I transfered her to your scroll but will keep her in my Sig till she's grown, for I know with your new 'puter might take time to get everything back sorted..and your eggs and Sig's back.. I hope you don't mind I did name her..just that one..I would only do that..It has a special meaning, PM me you want to know.., tis my gift of our special soul bond we have.


Now me, Mayu and you have our lesbian Dragons on our scroll with all the rest, for what is a proper group without at least two on a scroll..for us womyn in the know.. :whistling:

Edited by Aeryn333
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Aye it is, Mayu your back.... :thumbsup: ...

Clicked yours also.. :biggrin:

I might join there but theres no eggs, or hatchies in the Sigs there..to click..

How did you know,I was suppose to be incognito there , ah Dezi told on me..lololol..

OT_beat one of your scores Mayu, and am tied with you at 10.. :whistling:

Well I just checked I stand corrected you just moved past me Again, I will HAVE TO DO SOMETHING ABOUT THAT..LOL :cool:





lol, Aeryn^^. Dezi didn't tell me, I figured myself^^. As Admin, I have to know about my members, right?

Yeah, I noticed that you snatched the one or other record from me. Don't worry, I'll have a big comeback (Mayu grins wickedly)

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Aye it is, Mayu your back.... :thumbsup: ...

Clicked yours also.. :biggrin:

I might join there but theres no eggs, or hatchies in the Sigs there..to click..

How did you know,I was suppose to be incognito there , ah Dezi told on me..lololol..

OT_beat one of your scores Mayu, and am tied with you at 10.. :whistling:

Well I just checked I stand corrected you just moved past me Again, I will HAVE TO DO SOMETHING ABOUT THAT..LOL :cool:



@Dezi me love

I also got your purple partner for my counterpart on your scroll as we talked about..she just hatched so I transfered her to your scroll but will keep her in my Sig till she's grown, for I know with your new 'puter might take time to get everything back sorted..and your eggs and Sig's back.. I hope you don't mind I did name her..just that one..I would only do that..It has a special meaning, PM me you want to know.., tis my gift of our special soul bond we have.


Now me, Mayu and you have our lesbian Dragons on our scroll with all the rest, for what is a proper group without at least two on a scroll..for us womyn in the know.. :whistling:

My PC arrives today :biggrin: then begins the task of getting all my stuff reloaded.Hopefully by saturday I'll have enough done to start actively looking for a place for our project. Perhaps Mayu is interested also....maybe you should ask her as its your idea :biggrin: love ya speak to you as soon as I get my pc up and running, all my love, Dezi

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clicki ed eggies (i am back for now :sweat: )



SkeltonMaster Welcome back..wheres your eggs


@Mayu I sent you a PM..

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