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The Order of the Dragon


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Aye soon all soon, so click me wee ones, so they grow, and breed for you, I have a wee new silver egg I snagged also in the mad rush of people abandoning them..Click her please..

Dezi me love, its great having you by my side in this endevour partner..

I agree, this should be fun!!! :biggrin:



Aye much fun... :whistling: No really...I am getting excited, which is a good thing these days..all considering..and the Silver Dragon Goddess is blessing me immensely,maybe its because I have a silver dragon guardian..in those inner planes..I wish my Golds would breed though..

I have yet another silver..someone just tossed aside..


Serious folk these new eggs will be around, hang out on the AP while people toss out their silvers...and hatchlings...so click me newest wee silver also..

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All the time i read about trading

Could you please tell me how this trading-thing works?

(i mean how can you for example give someone an egg)?


Trading is fairly easy and safe, though you're not 100% guaranteed to be successful. Remember the easiest method to adopt a dragon is to use the getdragon link. So if the dragon you want to adopt has the CODE, the link you need is:

http://dragcave.net/abandoned/xxxx where xxxx represents the code you get it in action, get code..its a 4 letter/ diget code like Ad6b and it is case sensitive.. if you highlight one of your eggs with your mouse below in the corner you'll see its code..


You can use this link to adopt a dragon without clicking on it at the abandoned egg page. If you and the person you're trading with arrange a time to trade at, you can keep refreshing this link at that time to virtually (though not totally) guarantee that you'll get the egg or hatchling you're refreshing for. Many people prefer a method where the adoptee will indicate when they're ready (and starts refreshing) and then the abandoner counts to 10 or so and abandons.


I personally prefer to avoid trading around the hourly drops when the site is lagging. Make sure you take how heavy traffic on the site will be into account when you choose a time to trade.

Also keep in mind people are on different time zones, so if you suggest trading at "3:00 pm today" specify what timezone you're in.

You PM the person you going to gift the egg to...they must open that link inside, the cave or it won't work, then they but the code in, where the xxxx was.. hit enter, and it will say this dragon does not appear to exists..your on the right page..and ready..


Through PM or on the DC fan site trade chat...You tell the person you ready when that page is showing, they count to 10 and drop the egg, as soon as you say your ready start refreshing like mad..you just start hit F5 as fast as you can refresh and hope for the best... the easiest way to do it, if you trust someone, you can change your password, to say 1234, then let that person access your scroll, and put the egg in its easier, then you can change your password back..


Be patience Dezi and I are working very hard on getting the site all ready for Breeding our dragons for you all..So keep an eye out here, we'll notify all when its ready, and soon it will happen..

I hope I answered your Q... :smile:


All clicked now I really must turn in , I can't remember when it was I slept last...and you kow what time it is here in Éire..lollololo


Crone Dragon Aeryn


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I've traded a couple of eggs. But not all of them worked.

All clicked.



Azir have you checked you PMs lately there is a very important one there from me, and Dezi..via me..

Never mind I got your Pm, it just had not sent me a notification yet...Great.... look fro my response to yours..

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wow thanks thought it would be something like that

i just hoped ther would be an easier way -.-



All clicked again, I have some new ones I snagged on the AP page people are just throwing away golds and silvers for these new eggs..Snagged a hatchie male, silver egg, and gold so I have a bunch to breed for everyone, so I have a new gold and silvers please click on me eggs for they need it..

Also don't forget Crazy Begga when you come here, ....

Don't mind answering Q but while your here to click also, as we click on yours OK. :smile:

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hi everyone !

ive got another new dragon!


oh and as you can see my first silver child was a girly!!

so cute!


does anyone know when you are able to get vampire dragons???

i know it might seem like a right foolish question but im just wondering

is it like the seasonals and just bout round halloween?

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Yes, Sophie, the Vampires come out at Holloween, and Valentine and Christmas kind of speak for themselves.

All clicked.

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