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The Order of the Dragon


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The Goddess Crone Aeryn welcomes you too, young Sire...from Italy..

I am the red haired firey Crone from Éire..

I noticed your Sig..I must comment..Your 'English' is fine, is is not a reguirment of the Order..we are a wee bit international here..

What is perfect English, anyways, in who's eyes...Irish English, British English, American English, Aussie English ect....lolololol

Now if I get going on me Irish slang,la, then no-one be understanding me..So rest easy,mate, feel at home..like we all love dragons here..la :biggrin:


All clicked..

PS.... all I gave birth to my first gold, by my new Dorsal red no less..don't forget to click her.. :thanks:

Edited by Aeryn333
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aaaaa geeeez

i was abhout 1 sec too late, 1SEC

i wanted to freeze the green dragon hatchling as soon as its grown wings


so today i see: IT HAS WINGS!!

and i click on actions as soon as the actions site finished loading i saw that i couldnt freeze it


why? BECAUSE it matured in exactly this moment



not bad but now i have to get another green egg

also it has become a male again -.-


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English doesn't matter much. Where I live (Scotland) not many people speak proper English anyway. The age old "fit fit fits fit fit?" (which means "which foot (shoe) fits which foot?") Or "fit noo lyk" which is basicaly "what is it". Or "the morns morn" (tommorow morning). As you can see, bad English is common, even in Britain.

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