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The Order of the Dragon


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What? Undead dragons need care too.


Blasted vitalists...

it was funny once.Its no longer that way. you have two choises get eggs or move on. continued disruption of this topic will get you reported, the choise is yours and the outcome depends on the choise you alone make!

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Fine. I'll take my mouse elsewhere, then. >:(


Gotta get to 100 craniumsclicks...



When one of the Goddesses comments about this thread, answering her back is just plain asking for it... you just had to make that last post..with the mad face..and not simply move along liked asked to..if you were not going to be serious about this..

There was no need to answer Goddess Dezi back with uncalled for comments, of having to have the bloody last say..enough..


Talking back to one of our members that said. it wasn't cool, also was not OK..

LoginToDownload as a modder I know you hate trolls, so why would you lower yourself to become one in a thread where, if you read the rules, you'd know..that's what you were doing..Its called thread hijacking remember,I am sorely disappointed in you...la

Now you've heard from both Goddesses and we both will have the last say..The Crone Goddess Aeryn adds her voice, no more comments..take you mad face elsewhere..bhoyo




All clicked all..

@ytsejam91,I put your guardian in the ER for you..

@ congrats to new eggies and wee ones, and glad your eggs are healing DC..failte!!!

Now 'eres something interesting..believe it or not, the two on the end, the red dorsal and the green are fraternal twins..I bred a Green Earth dragon with a Purple Dorsal( which answers the Q one colour Dorsal can produce the other colour)..they had 3 eggs, one red dorsal, one purple dorsal, and one earth green, so I needed the another red, so took that, but noted, before they abandoned automatically.. the greens code, and thought what the hey I can try putting into abandon get egg,like you do on a trade.. fortunately because the wee ones a common, no-one had picked it up.. I got it back as soon as I pressed enter, so I have twins on my scroll..

Also the first time I have had more than two eggs in a breeding....


My last three silvers all 3 gendered male, well I experimented with new genderers, instead of sticking with my tried but true ones, that was a wash..but one of the boys got a good home..


So back to drawing board, 2 more silver females..aye they will be..now I have them between those I know gender females..get my silvers on my scroll rebanced here..


So clicky me new eggies..please.. :thanks:

Edited by Aeryn333
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Twin Dragons are fun. I've got twin greys, and am very proud of them.

All clicked.


Did you get twins same way I did..Aye lad I am proud of mine also..


Listen all, Doc wants me going up to Cork City this weekend,m and over for few days, just some tests he wants to run, and make sure everythings OK..no big deal..

But take care of me wee ones till I get back..in case they get lost in posts..


I will accept help for my hatchies and eggs while I am away Ok..all..

@Ok me Dezi, will you make sure my eggs don't get lost in the shuffle, thanks love.. :smile:


One last click through and I am off..


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No, I found mine in the abandoned cave. I didn't realise until after they'd hatched that they were twins, but they have the same parents, and were born on the same day.

All clicked.

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