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The Order of the Dragon


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were only 3 songs though,Land of Confusion Indestructible and another one i forgot

Disturbed? Oh my god they're amazing!


All clicked.

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or even some want to freeze a hatchling at a certain stage, say when it gets wings..or genders, so they let it go till they want to freeze it..


When a hatchling is frozen it can still gender, it just takes much longer and a lot more clicks/views.


All clicked.


P.S. I rememberd not to put your egg in the ER from last time, Aeryn ;)


Aye I know Azir, a technicality there..I incl, for apoc, for he wanted to know..

Like there was a controversy about that also, some say their hatchies gendered, frozen, some say they did not, so there are those to be safe decided to be sure wait till they gender to freeze them..

Just a matter of prefernce, to be safe, so I iincl. it..

Aye I see you did that Azir :thanks:

All clicked...


P.S Azir its Ok to list the members, good idea, but links to peoples scrolls not so much, there are some if they want their whole scroll viewed, they provide the link themselves..for more reasons than I want to go into at the moment la..OK!!!

Please remove the link to my scroll.. :thanks:

Edited by Aeryn333
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hi everyone hows you?

is anyone else having fun putting eggs into emergency and the hatchery/daycare?

the eggs that are in my sig are gonna die in about 2 days and i cant seem to be able to do anything about it

any one who can help please do

any help is grately appreciated


please help :thanks:


on a lighter note - whats the people of today up to?

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hi everyone hows you?

is anyone else having fun putting eggs into emergency and the hatchery/daycare?

the eggs that are in my sig are gonna die in about 2 days and i cant seem to be able to do anything about it

any one who can help please do

any help is grately appreciated


please help :thanks:


on a lighter note - whats the people of today up to?


Good to see you, Sophie, I put your eggs that needed it in ER at Soti, thats why I have both links in my Sig, for the DC fansite is not always working..

Evreyones eggs I clicked on, are fine..


I don't know what you mean many are dying, they do not need ER till 3 days and below..

Da Crazy Begga has one egg, that needs it, but he's not accepting help, and the new rules of the DC site, according to TJ the owner..is if that's not checked its against site rules to mess about with anyones eggs, and hatchies, unless the person checks in scroll settings to accepting aide..

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