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The Order of the Dragon


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Guys and girls can i just say each egg does add to your sig sizes so even though they are small they all add up





Did not Maiden Dezi say do not seek the wrath of the Goddesses, trust we will tell people that..You are getting to close to boundaries, and being told more than once not to post unless you have an egg, do not do it again...now I like you, but you starting to get under the Goddesses skin...




****Reaver click on my name in my Sig Grand Crone Goddess Aeryn read the first three posts by the 3 Goddesses in charge, that hold the rules, first thing get thee an egg, then ask for a name you like wait for it to be approved, and we Welcome you into the Dragon Order..

***To Reaver and all concerned.. Also to not go over Sig limits if you want to add eggs, you will have to make you Sig like many here about 450 width, to 150 height and you should then be fine...


Ah one of my babes just grew up..awwww.... Thanks Grand Dragon Goth, and welcome to your new eggs, clicky.. I'm off to my rounds of egg and hatchling clicking..


Dragon Champion Josh see all thy eggs are hatched congrats...cute wee ones..la.

Edited by Aeryn333
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Anyways, here are my three eggs



Necromancer G did you present thy application to the Order. of the Dragon., with your name, you have eggs step one, now apply with the name you wish to be called and wait for one of the Goddesses to approve it...before the clicking begins, you must have official entrance..the form is on page one just click on my name in my Sig Grand Dragon Crone Goddess Aeryn..

And then it will be offical...when its approved!!

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Anyways, here are my three eggs



Necromancer G did you present thy application to the Order. of the Dragon., with your name, you have eggs step one, now apply with the name you wish to be called and wait for one of the Goddesses to approve it...before the clicking begins, you must have official entrance..the form is on page one just click on my name in my Sig Grand Dragon Crone Goddess Aeryn..

And then it will be offical...when its approved!!

Oh, That was Necromancer G?! Didn't recognize him... :sweat:


I think I'm going to use the incubator for my dragons now... Forums won't let me put anymore images in my sig! :P

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I think I'm going to use the incubator for my dragons now... Forums won't let me put anymore images in my sig! :P


Aye I was thinking about the incubator myself...I want at least 9..The number the Great Goddess..

The incubator I noticed take up room, when I tried it, one might have to choose between it and a Sig though, not sure...

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It would seem my egg hatched while I was asleep, now to find the lil' thing some food. *Walks off.*



Aye Elraine they seem to happen fast hard to keep up with them all..Congrats on the new one, clicky...from the Grand Crone Goddess Aeryn

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