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The Order of the Dragon


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Hi all..clicked what was here..sorry I haven't been back but I been in strict bed rest, with my neighvohur and her wee one opracticulary sitingoin me to kkeo me downn..lolol

Will be going for an MRI Fri, so keep some good vibes my way..


'I havw a few new ones, eggs and wee hatchies..and some of mine only have a click..so take care of them for me.., :thanks:

I think I will but them all in Soti nest and hatchery, they will get view and unique just not clicks usually..


That purple dido is kinda cute.... :thumbsup:

Azir see you got another Black Alt I have my two the only thing I donlt have is Alt Vine so I am trying for that..its the only thing left for my collection...


Take care all especially my precious Dezi..love ya girl..off ta bed now...long day Tmr..

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Azir see you got another Black Alt I have my two the only thing I donlt have is Alt Vine so I am trying for that..its the only thing left for my collection...

Yes, I seem to have struck lucky with my breeding.

All clicked.

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All clicked..ta for watching over me wee ones, and clicking my new ones.. :thanks:

OT...beacuse your family for me anyways you two..MRI was postponed on a waiting list for I have to have it in Dublin...thrilled about that, not even..!!


So saw my Rheumatologist In Skibberren, she gave me cortisone shot right into me hip and spine trigger points something they could not do at Cork City ER.. to hold off pain till we find out whats going on..Till then its nothing stressful on body, mostly do nothing, so fun.Yeah Right!!!


Will try to get back here,now and then, till they find out whats really going on..they suspect a hairline fracture in my hip, or performis syndrome..which is a muscle in the arse, the sciatic nerve passes under that sometimes pinches sciatic nerve..causing terrible pain across lower back, bum, and down your leg..such joy.., which is literally a pain in the arse...lol

Miss you Azir and especially you my precious Dezi!!!! I shall return in full, when whatever it is is found and taken care of..till then I entrust my wee ones to you both..

I will try to come now and then though and click...though no worries..

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