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The Order of the Dragon


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Ah...welcome back Aeron, clicked you wee ones...hope you stick around missed you.. I will get to you PM, ask Dezi she will explain, I been very well incapacitated..for a wee while now..but I will get back to you about that...OK mate..


@Azir your purple needed the ER, I put it in Soti and it grew up in seconds...lolol

OT...Azir... for a reply awhile back, you said Dublin's a a long way for MRI..

We have national Health care true enough, but the waiting lists are the thing here..Cork City would have been longer, they are really backed up for MRI... Dublin could get me in sooner, not that I am kicked in the arse about going to Dublin, but pain makes one put aside other things.. ;-)..and so its off fro the MRI a kind neighbour is taking me for I watch her wee one for her..

Its schedule I just heard for 13 Oct...then hopefully they will find out whats up, and I will be back to help you, Azir, and our new lil Fey, click right back at you, thanks for the comment, and me dearest Dezi..right now, my mobility is very limited..


But I had to come click and let all know what going on, I did breed today as I sat here, thatt did not sound right, and have some new eggs, I will get that Alt Green come hell or high water..its my only missing one,so I am on a goal to get..

.I have twins also, greenn eggs..I choose one, lucked out caught the other on the abandined page right after...Gas!!!!!


So please click on me new eggs, and thanks for taking care of me other ones...love to all, miss you all, be back when I can...I trust you'll take care of them for me..


Love and miss you me sweet Dezi!!!!!

OT..loved you new chapter...keep it up m'luv..with notifications on with all incl makes it easier for me...to just read it..in my inbox..


Take care for me ones, be back when I can.. ;)


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Thank's Aeryn, I hadn't noticed.

Alt greens are a pain. I managed to get mine as an egg in the abandoned page, and have never managed to get another since.

All clicked.

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