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The Order of the Dragon


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Aye new wee ones Azir, Its always great craic when TJ comes out with new ones, don't know what they will look like I, eh like they sound intriquing..hope they are Gas!!!

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Wow, a lot's happened since I was last here. Three new eggs?

Begga, I think they should be okay to pick-up. It only says 'nearly to hot'.



i wanted to say that theyre gone b4 i can click´em

not that theyre to hot to touch


so if anyone breeds some i wanted to ask if i could get one ^^


LOL...Ahhh lad, our sense of humour on this side of the pond, where both Azir and I are just in different parts of this side of the pond, but basically all share a sense of humour not always gotten by others.with wee difference of nuances perhaps...Tis a wee bit tongue in cheek you might say,he was just having a wee bit o' craic with ye la.. :thumbsup:


..Tis not that, that gets them wee ones.. if you think I have a faster connection, think again..I've got a good connection for here mind you..fortuantely I am close to Skibbereen thats why..the capital of West Cork.. its not bad, but my luck, comes with my connecting with these wee things, not speed..eh like the time difference I, helps,I am up when most of those hounding the AP are sleeping...lol

Right now 'the one that makes your hair stand on end' is elluding me...eventaully I'll get it though!!!!!

Eh like tis not a streaming fast conenction...eh like here in the arse end of Ireland, as West Cork is called think again..not that we Corkonians think that,we are the arse end of Éire.. Eh we are rather a unique group of people..just not well understood..we think in 'reverse'.. we know we are the head, and the north is the tail..lol ..Inside joke..if you don't get it no worries..

Lets just say..We know the ancient dragon of Éire was a water one..The dragon is pointing out to sea, as is the whole of southern Éire looking out at at the great seas..Eh like makes logical sense that's where its head would be..now I'm having a wee bit o' craic with you, but its also true. :cool:


If by the time I have at least two..and you don't and you've serious tried still, don't give up so easily..

Believe me wee one,I'll know I have me Sidhe Sight, if you just sit back and wait I'll know boyho.. :wink: Keep keepin' on, do not give up,eh like its better feeling when you finally do capture them..la..Eh like tune into the one, you want, remain calm not frustrated, and it will come to you..I dare you to try....all things in their time..

However if all fails and I know you tried your best and as i said I will know.. I'll have a think about breeding you one,when I have more than one.. if you stay responsible to the Order, and others wee ones here, and your own wee ones..take care mate.. :biggrin:


All clicked Goddess duties done..

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The Crone has done here clickiness, except on mutated egg in disguise..also..


Azir,tis a bummer when you are scroll locked when new ones come out..eh!!



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