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The Order of the Dragon


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Thanksgiving Day clicks.



Ah that's right its Turkey day for you Yanks, have a good one ..m'dear!!!

You too me sweet Dezi.. :biggrin:

Also Herc sweetie, you need to check your own eggs..click on them also, for you do get an extra click for clicking on your own eggs intially..aye you do!!!! Also to keep an eye on them..easy way while your here..la


@Herc..me lil Fey..Eh your wee pinkie hatchie like needed ER, so I put it in Soti ER for you..Ok m'luv..

In case your unsure of the procedure here it is..anyhting under 3 days , could die, and we don't want that..la


That is what the little Soti pic link to click is for iin me Sig, eh like I believe Azir has Soti links in his Sig also...la


Eh like for future reference, also you can do this for anyone accepting aide..go there, left column and click add dragons, then at the end is the yellow ER button, click.. a box will appear below..saying save me.. first you should right click your egg, or hatchie and get the 4 digit/letter code, with .gif after it, just highlight and copy the code part and that's what you put into the box, enter and a wee one is saved..

@Begga..just keep trying the one 'that makes hair stand on end' is evading me also, and its the one I wanted most, so stick it out, whilst waiting till the rush calms down... :biggrin:


Ta..all clicked!!!!

da Crone Goddess Aeryn

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Thank you, Goddess Aeryn! Now, how am I gonna tell these two apart?


Fáilte (your welcome)

Aww she got a girlfriend how appropriate eh.. :thumbsup:

Name is the only way to tell them apart..I also have surname for all me dragons its Érin, poetic name for Éire, but they don't allow symbols, sad, so it just Erin after each of me dragons..that way if a name you want is taken such a Goddesses or like that.that many may use...you can have it, because of the surname..so i know they all came from me and can trace them..lots of people do that..

Also, I forgot to mention when you right click on a wee one to get code, click on properties thats where it is..have a good day with your wee ones.Eh like so cute together aren't they perfect couple la..lol

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