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The Order of the Dragon


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@ Azir I put your hatchie in Soti ER..


Eh like Your confused still la, ah laddie... perchance its becasue its way before your time..Tis mostly America and UK...child ballad..Eh like live as long as I have you learn a bit about many places..


Here is its origin....The British and American versions are often very distinct, but there are intermediate versions..

So..it started with Herc with her a click here click there, everywhere a click click..then I added Old MacDragon lovers have a farm.... get it now!!!


..Since in the song your allowed to add diffrent animals, I added a dragon...


Old MacDonald had a farm, E-I-E-I-O. And on that farm he had a [animal name], E-I-E-I-O, With a [animal noise twice] here and a [animal noise twice] there Here a [animal noise], there a [animal noise], everywhere a [animal noise twice] Old MacDonald had a farm, E-I-E-I-O.



Eh like now lets apply it to the Order, the very large Dragon farm, do we not all watch them tend them, put them in ER just like a farm..have you ne'er worked on a farm boyho.. :smile:



So here's the song with a Dragon, like with a wee bit of poetic liberties by me, la.


Old MacDragon lovers have a farm, E-I-E-I-O. And on that farm we have some [dragons], E-I-E-I-O, With a [click click here] here and a [click click there] there Here a [click, there a [click], everywhere a [click clcik] Old MacDragon lovers have a farm, E-I-E-I-O.


Eh like your still confused lad, your not having enough fun in your life..just enjoy, the flow, of having fun sometimes, we all need to let lose..la.So here a click there a click, everywhere a click click and an ER ...E-I-E-I-O

Eh Goddess farm chores done!!!! :wink:

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here a click,there a click,everywhere a click,click


@ Azir your welcome!!!!!


Dezi fair play to ye la..that's better...m'luv..

Quick farm chores before I am off, ro DRs..wish me well folks, I might be looking at more surgery from the looks of me MRI.....will let you all know when I get back..


Ditto here a click,there a click,everywhere a click,click!!!!


*** All read this is very Important cave breaking news for those that do not visit the Dragon Forums..A vote is being taking to give Magi's by TJ teleport ability to be able to just teleport an egg or hatchie to another's scroll, so you do not have to be online same time they send you a special link PM, and when your ready you click it, and the wee ones is teleported to your scroll..If this nmatters to you go vote..

However here is the hitch..there will be no more AP trading if this passes and you do not have a Magi an orange one like the new new eggs above one for me one for my charge, you will no longer be able to trade and Magi's will become rare..so do it ASAP..


These are TJ the owners words, he's waiting for the results fo the voting..


SO...Just in case its voted in ..go thou to the AP and if you don't have one, get a least one or two Magi eggs (orange), for if imagi teleport abilities,is passed and you do not have any you will not be able to trade or receive a trade...My advice for safety reasons make sure you have a least one magi (Orange egg..)


Ta now I got to get out the door ASAP..

Edited by Aeryn333
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