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There is no telling it will be an Vine alt I do believe till the 3rd stage and the orange appears on the hatchling instead of the yellow

I have a good feeling about both of these. One was bred from two alts, and one from an alt and a gold... We shall see...

All clicked.

P.S. Welcome Dragon Breeder.



Aye its hard to tell we'll have to wait and see , I got a couple off AP page once like you was a gold and Alt Vine also no luck..Aye shall just hope and see, ta for the offer.. mate!!!!

If it is, do let me know, like I said what you'd like for it, for I want to breed you something you don't have..OK la.. :smile:

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Great to see you back Aeryn, should probably put retired ((for health reasons whibble)... optional) next to my title. As promised will try to click all dragons, eggs and hatchlings when I can.


ALL CLICKED :biggrin:

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Great to see you back Aeryn, should probably put retired ((for health reasons whibble)... optional) next to my title. As promised will try to click all dragons, eggs and hatchlings when I can.


ALL CLICKED :biggrin:



Requested.. done...la

I was out for about a few months on and off meself, healthwise.. facing still low back surgery..at some point right now cortisone shots have worked for now..

Eh, came back to find I'm the only Goddess left.. :(

Like I love me dragons to much, la, to let anything keep me away for long, eh like besides we got a nice lil family here aye.. I have me Grand Master Knight of the Goddess's right hand Azir, he's a good loyal bloke...like well good to see you again also mate.. :smile:


All clickity clicked.. :biggrin:

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If it is, do let me know, like I said what you'd like for it, for I want to breed you something you don't have..OK la.. :smile:

Anything I've not got already, really (gold, magma, ice or vamp).

All clicked.

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yeah, im done with the dragon eggs ya'll, just put a strike through my name and all that



Shall do...Eh like sorry to see you leave us permanently, what one must do what they must..la

Good sailing mate... :smile:


@'K Azir, when that wee one hatches and grows, an we find out cause right now I am scroll locked so hopefully by that time, it turm orange, my scroll will be free..If not my charge, said I can catch it on hers, and then she'll give it to me, when mine is free..


.For an Alt Vine, I will in time breed you all the those you mentioned, one by one, and of course bite an egg for you...any particular breed egg you'd like me to bite, for you....????

For an Alt vine your bet your sweet bippy I will, do all that..la


You know I have always wanted to be a dragon breeder, anyway.. open my own forum, I mean its still sitting there..Eh like I just haven't been well enough to finish its set up, the topics are there, but nothing yet fine tuned....Like I am less motivated without Dezi, for she was going to do it with me.with you as Mod..Maybe one day..


Do me one favour if you have new pinks will you influence femyle Alt for me, if you trade while its an egg, the gender influence goes away, but I think it stays if its a hatchling???


So we got a deal here's 'opin' for ALT!!!!!! For good luck, The Goddess Dragon Crone lil eggs commands you grow up to be an ALT...lol :D


All clickethed..

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