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The Order of the Dragon


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All clicked, put Azir's vine and Aeryn's (Dragon Druid?) magi in the ER.


First let me say sorry I been absent wihtout notice..la.. Eh like unfortunaley that will happen time to time, with the health problems I have.. Eh like I will be back, that you can depend on..My word as an Irish womon.. :thumbsup:


I want to address two people in one post..this will 'ave ta do mates..


@ ytse Eh like the ? on Dragon Druid, that's me we charge, she saw me doing Dragons when she was here one day,..eh like she asked if when she was here, if she could 'ave dragons too.since her Ma has no working computer.

.Eh like she's a lovely wee lass, how could I refuse her...Thats why in my sig in wee letters under me eggs and hatchies it says... Please clicky on me wee charges and I ,wee ones!!!!!!.. I watch her everyday weekday, for her Ma..whilee she works..when I'm feeling well.. Eh her Ma and I near neighbours in this bog..Eh like most small place in West Cork, everyone watches out for each other..la


Go Rabi maith agat(thank you very much) For watching me wee ones, and me charges, la

That's for yous all..Ta!!!!


[/color]@ Wasder, Eh like welcome back boyho..Crone Goddess Aeryn is still here..watching or' with me Dragon Knight in arms, Master Azir..


hmmm you said that you would bite??_____then wee gif of your Magi egg to click on..




Eh your real craic boyho, you know..

Eh now laddie, my Vamp would 'ave to 'ave very long teeth to reach that egg from Érin's shores..mate.

Aw, g'wan, yer only coddin' me.la...


Seriously, you can reguest Vamps, I made that offer..however they bite once a month..Azir's next..mate ..


I'll put you on list, if you like etc etc..Eh like though, the eggs got to be on my scroll, then I bite and I gift it to you, want a specific breed, I can do that also.tnot that it matters but some have prefrence to what their dragon was before..bitten.. or trade as the case may be..Eh like Azir trying to catch me a Vine Alt..

Eh like I am still recovering but I check me mail, and have it set I can read post right in OE..

So before I go back and drop down for a wee bit 'cause I'm really knackered, lads..this treeatment is taking allot outta me right now, Eh like, I be back here and there..when I can till this bout is over..

Watch me wee Vamp babae OK..an the rest me hatchies.. :thanks:


All clickethed until next I come..take care all.. :biggrin:

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*ahem* What do you mean 'not showing up'?




Most clicked.



Hmmm..I see those words in no-ones post la..

When you pose a Q. please direct by name who its for..???


Eh la, why only most clicked..and not all..????????

Tis responsibilites as members to click all eggs while here..!!!!


I go 3 pages back as Goddess in charge here.., Eh like I at least expect of memebers,to at least check the page before the one your on, if ye have time to post you can do that also..

Eh like Ok la.. :closedeyes:

If yous had and I speak to all, would have seen Azir's egg way below 3 days, badly needed ER, that's also our responsibilities here, to ER others wee ones.. :smile:


Crone Goddess Aeryn


@ Eh Wasder, first weclome back.aye I noticed...people come and go, so I don't strike their name unless they offcially resign..Eh like you have two eggs that need ER, but you do not have checked in your settings on your scroll, accepting aide.., so most likey will die..unless you change that...mate

@ Azir put your black egg in Soti ER, mate

all clickethed :biggrin:

Edited by Aeryn333
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*ahem* What do you mean 'not showing up'?




Most clicked.


Was directed to me, anyway I was joking. :D sorry if you took that seriously, It was ban for fun after all :D


Posting here every day is a way to say that you're clicking and you don't make others order members go back pages to find your eggs, just that.


Anyway sorry, peace? :D


All clicked, put wasder's eggs in ER and congrats Azir for the Alt

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@ Eh Wasder, first weclome back.aye I noticed...people come and go, so I don't strike their name unless they offcially resign..Eh like you have two eggs that need ER, but you do not have checked in your settings on your scroll, accepting aide.., so most likey will die..unless you change that...mate
All clicked, put wasder's eggs in ER


Ah, cheers. I've changed that now. Exciting to see two of them hatch though, really looking forward to seeing them grow up!

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