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The Order of the Dragon


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congrats Azir for the Alt

Thanks, I've got my alt blacks sorted.

Thanks Aeryn for the ER.

All clicked (if anyone's on in 4 hours then Aeryn's hatchlings will be needing the ER and one of Wasder's egg in 6).

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*ahem* What do you mean 'not showing up'?




Most clicked.


Was directed to me, anyway I was joking. :D sorry if you took that seriously, It was ban for fun after all :D


Posting here every day is a way to say that you're clicking and you don't make others order members go back pages to find your eggs, just that.


Anyway sorry, peace? :D


All clicked, put wasder's eggs in ER and congrats Azir for the Alt



@ Azir..First Ta Azir for that, and watching o'er mate..I am glad that black egg was an alt I had a feel when I ER'd for some reason it would be.. :thumbsup:


Orange is the colour of an official message so read please..

Now the hard thing..

Now my dear boyho..Keep ban for fun comments in the ban for fun thread please, and stay on topic...la


All things dragon, or if your sick and will be away to ask for others to keep an extra eye on your wee ones...

I have been very sick ,I have medical conditions which are serious, so from time to time, I am just not here a few days.. my wee ones will oft go back a page, or so.. are you saying you will not go back and check..


Why not, we do it for you..eh like for example Azir was taking exams, so his eggs went a page back..and like he has been appointed my second in charge now..I expect you to watch over other members as we have your wee ones..

Myself and Azir have saved so many wee ones from dying here..eh like we expect the same in return..

I was not going to bring it up, and let this slide..la


But yous posted, you know who you are a couple of you....saying all clicked, and why is it I came here, days ago, saw the posts, and saw my Vamp was way under 3 days and I in the nick of time ER and saved it myself.....Why is that...if all was clicked..


How would you feel, if you got sick or something, and your wee ones, were a page back because of several posts...and your wee ones died.. eh because others forget we are a family here, and did not read the rules when they joined..


Eh like,when you signed up here, it wasn't just to click but to be responsible to others members..as they have you..


As Crone Goddess in charge of this thread, now, I not only can, but will ask, you to go a page back..Its in the rules of the Order ...joke or no, smile or no, I felt very condescended to, when you said who am I to tell you, go back a page..

Every thread like these have rules, you joined, abide by the rules..we have here..Eh like go back and read them, they are in orange in my post which is now the first post, with Dezi gone I am in charge here..for we formed this Order together...OK la..


Eh no harme no foul this time boyho, talk back to me again, in such a condescending way even in jest, and tell me as the Goddess in charge of this thread...what I can and cannot do..Eh like as Dezi would say when pushed to far..you don't like the rules, why are you here..!!!!!!


Now I care, and you have helped allot, it is apprecitaed, la .. :smile:


Eh like others see you talk to me that way though, new members will have no respect, for the rules of this thread, me, or the Dragon Order.. that leads to chaos..


I like having you here la.. more wee ones the merrier as they say.. eh just allittle respect Ok boyho..

We will not have this conversation again right...mate!!!!!

All clickethed.. :D



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Righty-o! Peace ytsejam, & why only most clicked is that my ISP was being a bit strange that day.


Thanks for acceting my apologies mate :thanks: .


@Aeryn: I have expressed myself in an unclear way :confused: . I'm not saying I don't and won't go back a page and click eggs and hatchlings: I always go back one or two pages to check if I clicked all our wee ones (I know that not everyone here does post every day, and I'm noone to ask them to do it), and I know your health is not letting you come here every day, and I surely not expect you to do it, health comes first :biggrin: !

Regarding saving dragons: every time I click an egg or hatchling I watch the time left, and if it's under 3 days I ER it, but sometimes I may have missed some, and my time zone does not help: if the 3 days limit is passed when I'm sleeping or at school, there's little I can do about it.

Anyway I'm really sorry for what happened, I shall be more careful next time: both when joking and when explaining my thoughts. Please note that I lack the capacity of making my writing sound like angry, sorry etc, as I'm not english, so I want to say again that I'm trying to apologize for what I wrote before (as I explained myself really badly, and I realize that I may be sounding arrogant, but really it isn't my intention), so now we can grow our dragons happily without thinking bad of each other, for I really like our little group here and it isn't my intention to ruin the experience with a momentary silliness of mine, I will be more mature, I promise.


I'm sorry, so friends again?




All clicked and put wasder's hatchie in soti's.

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Righty-o! Peace ytsejam, & why only most clicked is that my ISP was being a bit strange that day.


Thanks for acceting my apologies mate :thanks: .


@Aeryn: I have expressed myself in an unclear way :confused: . I'm not saying I don't and won't go back a page and click eggs and hatchlings: I always go back one or two pages to check if I clicked all our wee ones (I know that not everyone here does post every day, and I'm noone to ask them to do it), and I know your health is not letting you come here every day, and I surely not expect you to do it, health comes first :biggrin: !

Regarding saving dragons: every time I click an egg or hatchling I watch the time left, and if it's under 3 days I ER it, but sometimes I may have missed some, and my time zone does not help: if the 3 days limit is passed when I'm sleeping or at school, there's little I can do about it.

Anyway I'm really sorry for what happened, I shall be more careful next time: both when joking and when explaining my thoughts. Please note that I lack the capacity of making my writing sound like angry, sorry etc, as I'm not english, so I want to say again that I'm trying to apologize for what I wrote before (as I explained myself really badly, and I realize that I may be sounding arrogant, but really it isn't my intention), so now we can grow our dragons happily without thinking bad of each other, for I really like our little group here and it isn't my intention to ruin the experience with a momentary silliness of mine, I will be more mature, I promise.


I'm sorry, so friends again?




All clicked and put wasder's hatchie in soti's.



Ta much clearer, chalk it up also, to my being sick to stomach for two days, from treatment.. and miunderstanding..Eh being Irish I say what's on me heart..without blame or anger, so ne'er fear..,

I can get me Red haired fiery Irish up especially when I am under the weather, all it takes, to right this is clear communication, that we now have..that is what you did, we are clear it is done... :smile:

I know about the time zone thing...Here in Éire its works like that for me also la..


Eh mate you ne'er stopped being my friend, just because, my dyslexia sometimes, misses the subtle nuances of what people say...eh like trust me, English is not my first language either Irish Gaelic is..an I have been misunderstood here more times than I like to count..la

Like I said mate, no harme no foul, apology not needed, but appreciated.. :yes:

We are a family here, and I really like you mate..


I clicked, and now need to lay down..again.. Go raibh maith agat(thank you very much) for understanding..and clarity..

Cheers ta yous all..

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All clicked.


I think...



Have you filled out the form to join , read the first page, about the rules, requirements before any clicking happens, you have to fill this form out and agree to the rule of this Dragon Order thread...


Eh like so, fill this form out I do not believe you have....choose your name upon acceptance of that name as a proper one, for this thread, I will put your name on the scroll..then you will be told your offcially wecomed inthe Order..

Form first, read rules first!!!! The link to the first page is in me Sig my name... :biggrin:






"Optional" Where do you you hail from:




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