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The Order of the Dragon


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Have dropped in and clicked what I could.


Hmm May have to rejoin and get more eggs, be warned Mad Man is more a description then title, Have just been diagnosed with Bipolar (manic depression). :biggrin:

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Hmm May have to rejoin and get more eggs, be warned Mad Man is more a description then title, Have just been diagnosed with Bipolar (manic depression). :biggrin:

My aunt had bipolar... Just a bit of trivia...

Thanks ytsejam.

Clockout1, you need to fill in the form before you can be official welcomed.

All clicked.

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Hereby place formal request to rejoin since beginning to collect more eggs.

As the Dragon Knight of the Goddess I grant you permission and welcome you back to the Order.

All clicked.

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Hereby place formal request to rejoin since beginning to collect more eggs.



Lord Tenaim.. OT trivia also..Eh like I am a high functioning Aspie, that's first time I told that to anyone here..along with all my health problems..

Ta for sharing that with us.. :thumbsup: Eh like no worries mate your in safe good company, family...

Most happy to take the retired for health reasons off your name on the roll ..Grand Dragon Mad Man

Welcome back also. :biggrin: If you ever feel you want to change your name you can,tis your choice..I offer that to you...for a mad man you are not!!!! :smile: ~Crone Goddess Aeryn~

Thanks for the nice words Aeryn :D .


All clicked and ERd Azir's green egg.


Fàilte( your welcome) :biggrin:

All clickethed...ohhhh me wee Vamp grew up, OK Azir will try and bite a black egg for you..I have two blacks that are partners, like my two black alts...blacks didn't mate weren't interested.. my Black Alts were ready again, gave me an egg.. Sorry mate she bit and she killed it... :wallbash: next time mate!!!

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All Clicked, I wouldn't mind changing my title to Grand Dragon Mystic. It will Probably look better on the Scroll of Members. :biggrin: :thanks: :thanks:
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