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The Order of the Dragon


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how did my egg get killed!!! T_T

at least one hatched....



Hmm..Eh like I clicked on it, and it says this person is not accepting aide, while your others say you are..

Are you posting someone else's eggs also..from another scroll, eh like because once you set that in your settings,,its set for your whole scroll...Also by Dragon cave rules we cannot ER an egg if accepting aide is not checked..

Eh like when it dies, it says egg or hatchie died, the grey dead egg I clicked on.. says this egg was killed..http://thenexusforums.com/public/style_emoticons/Dark/blink.gif

So who did that grey egg belong to..for obvious reason I stated above its gotta be from another scroll..or they would like all your others, say accepting aide..la?????

*****Unless it was a major Drag Cave glitch, if that is was your egg, I'd report that to TJ in help section of the Dragon Cave forums..if somehow a glitch killed your egg..



All clickethed.. again ..incl your new eggs LordFrostcraig..



Edited by Aeryn333
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I only noticed that when it had died. I checked your scroll and it wasn't there so I assumed that maybe you made a typo?

All clicked.

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We've all been there. I once put the same egg in my sig twice because I messed up the copy/pasting.

All clicked.

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Aye mates that we have, all been there, once I put the same egg in twice and wondered why the other egg, same breed wasn't getting any views and clicks, then we all have done the unclickable egg,,loll

It was just confusing to click on the dead egg, and have it say something else about accepting aide,, since neither scrolls had names, I went to the most to me logical reason...


Oh what a difference a letter can make, your get zoomed to an other's scroll, with the same species of dead egg....except the other scroll. says it was killed..Well that's a right good one mate.lololol


For that very reason now I click on egg then on Show HtML/BBCode Links and then select all of the second box for our Sigs , copy then paste it in Sig..I find it eliminates that letter error at least..


.. I was wondering if we had a silent murderer in our mist..ie the sister, sneaking in in the middle of the night killing an egg at a time, after what she did to the first one..all in good craic mate just some wee Irish humour.Glad it got sorted .http://thenexusforums.com/public/style_emoticons/Dark/laugh.gif



All clickethed..



*** Clickethed again!!!!

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NAME: Captainscar

AGE: 13

BIRTH: 17/12/1996


I Hail from The Very Warm Continent of Australia

REASON FOR JOINING THE ORDER: Dragons are among my Favourite creatures whenever i can be one or ride on I get iT!

I wish to Be Known By the Title of Shur'tugal

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