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The Order of the Dragon


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We should have a new member joining us at any moment, but in the meantime, have a look at this awesome pic




from Draconian.com

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Welcome, Sheesha... Your eggs have been click-ed...


EDIT: This isn't a formal welcome (or acceptance), only a Goddess can do that, but this is a welcome between old friends...

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My My what's happened while I was away...Drs appointment all the way up in Cork City so I been gone most of the day.. Just got back oh about 7ish has to shower, take a nap, still not feling so hot..but I have a duty as Crone Goddess here, so here I am..its 9:20 pm now here..


OK lets see Garret finally got a decent name welcome to you, good show bhoy.. :wink:

Serious the Grand Crone Goddess Aeryn welcomes thee Grand Dragon Archmage..You first egg cracked, now incl all the Goddesses, we all click till our fingers come off, I just do it, when the other Goddesses are probably asleep...


OK wings wings there be wings, on me babaes....Goddess be blessed. I have wings, and two boys, I wanted girls..OK they be Dragons, be happy...


Ok I will be back and add to this post, when I finish my clicking rounds,

Don't worry Josh, 3 days is OK, they should be sprouting wings soon..Ok bben reading soon 4 days left is plenty the only time you have to worry, is if they get under 3..OK...


And there is a forum where you get your eggs that have emergency care rooms..Aye, thats right..So they're still OK..


OK must get clicking will be back if I missed anything..But welcome to all the wings the grown ups and new eggs..


Nods to Goddess Maiden Desi, G'day to you fair lady..How fair thee?


Dragon Kinden Azir, one of the the Goddesses must first except the name..and the scroll of application, just in case we get some innapriopiate one, so hold off on the welcome till a Goddess says it...formality I know..but keeps things in order that way..OK !!!

The Grand Crone Goddess welcomes thee...Sheesha, you eggs will be in good care, always click the new eggs first so here I go....

Edited by Aeryn333
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Thank you everyone!


My First Egg finally has a crack in it!!!


THANK YOU especially Grand Maiden Goddess Dezi


<starts to worship>

Did you doubt my words or my power????.Perhaps I'll forgive you seeing as you have now found your place in the dragon ranks!


SophieVPel Posted Today, 09:55 PM

Name: Sophie

Age: 16

Reason for joining: Dragon Kinden Azir introduced me to the world of Dragons and i want

my eggs to hatch and to grow.

Title you wish to be known by: Sheesha


welcome to the Order of the Dragon, Sheesha



Aeryn333 Nods to Goddess Maiden Desi, G'day to you fair lady..How fair thee?


I fair well,wise mistress.And you are in good health and spirits I hope!

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