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How do I know if my egg has soft shell?


It's easy. A message gets added below the description of the egg:


My egg has soft shell! What kind does it have?


There are 4 different types of soft shell, it's important to know which you have to be able to treat them. Type 1 soft shell no longer exists.

1. A bad ratio of views vs unique views. If you have about 15 or more times the number of views as unique views you have this kind of soft shell.

2. More clicks than unique views.


3. More unique views than views.

4. Too many views too fast. If you got many views on the first day and your ratios are otherwise healthy you have this kind of soft shell.


How do I cure my soft shell?


Each type of soft shell has a different treatment:

1. Post your egg somewhere with slower traffic where people won't view the page with the egg multiple times. This is most often caused by posting your eggs on a small forum with a close group of people, on a page where people will refresh, or people deliberately refreshing your eggs.

2. Remove the link part of the code, only posting the image. This will prevent people from giving it any more clicks until the ratio is fixed. This kind of soft shell can heal itself, so it is not so important to treat as long as the ratio is not very bad.

3. Post it somewhere where the same people will view the egg multiple times.

4. Hide the egg for at least a day. Usually eggs with this kind of soft shell already have enough views to hatch, so you can hide it for a few days and it will hatch fine.


Now I know how to cure the soft shell, but how do I prevent it from happening again?


1. Don't post it somewhere where the same people will view the eggs many times. Small forums can lead to this. Try to post it somewhere where at least 1000 or so different people will view the egg before it grows up, and won't on average view the egg more than 15 times.

2. This is most often caused by clicking your egg right after you get it before it gets any views. I believe it can also be caused by giving a direct link to the egg rather than posting the image. If you don't get the code from the "get code" area and end up with a code that looks like Hkg3/1.gif (bad) rather than Hkg3.gif it can cause this. I believe that if it has /1 before the.gif it will not give views when loaded, and so the egg will not be getting views, just clicks. This goes with linking directly to the egg in being the cause of many of the severe cases.

3. I'm not sure if this kind of soft shell happens, as I've never seen it, but if it tends to happen to you, follow the cure before it happens.

4. Hide your egg for a day or so right after you get it if this tends to happen to your eggs. Experiment to find the amount of hide time that is right for your eggs, but a day or so is usually good. Remember to try to not get more than 400 views on your first day, 200 or less is best.




If you still have questions, post them here! They'll be answered and I'd like to make this guide as comprehensive as possible, answering every soft shell question in one place.


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Woo hoo! Eylsian has 1000 views!


Sorry to keep nagging, but Hir-syne, St'om Brier and Eylsian have less than 0.1days until they die.


Two of mine are female, one is male, one doesn't know.



Your egg has soft shell, to many clicks, you need to hide it...Go to your scroll actions, hide it, and let it heal...if message about soft shell does not disappear in say 2 days, takes it to the ER, through the Cave Dragon forum, the other scroll..Hide your egg now...I really helps been reading allot from the breeders there..which adds even more from their expiernce, to the FAQ..what they have done..That is how I lost my egg..I did not do that..Hide your egg now OK, they say in a few days that usually does it..


Grand Crone Goddess Aeryn


PS..OK Before I go and entrust my precious babaes, an lil oh so precious silver, to the Goddesses and you all...before I try to relax for the weekend..OK I was worring about them, and I see my egg hatched while I away to a water hatchling..Yea!!!

I'll update my scroll when I get back, thats why click on the individual eggs, for the scroll doesn't always update..on its own its suppose too..unitl they fix it basically it just shows them all off..


To buisness ..I wanted to anwser the question fully about greens..


1.Mints are mint green eggs, are the smallest dragon

2.Vines are the Darks greens, with the vines

3 Alts..A slightly darker green harder to pick out are called Alt Greens, these are rares

4 Medium greens are sometimes called "earth dragons", like the one I have,..

Those are the technicalities of the greens..


Ok I'm going...congrats to all new borns and new eggs and wings and grownups, don't have time to go through, all, just remeber there is a point below 3 days as its getting down to the wire where to many clicks can make matters worse..


OK gone, take care Goddesses, and watch me babaes, love yous... :thumbsup:

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