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The Order of the Dragon


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The Crone Goddess Aeryn,has been clicking though silent, last day, I even though here now and then, not been well, seeing DR. later today.. and he said I might have to have a couple day stay in the hospital in Cork City..if I have to..Please...take care of my eggs, especially my precious silver she has far to few views, also my seasonal, they are precious to me..Ny silver she is my birthday girl, I want her well taken care of..and my hatchlings..

I will let you know by tmr night, well if not you'll know where I am..My orange Magi grew up I see..YEAH at last!!!!

So I moved him to my, scroll, aye another boy..I need girls..girls hope for girls..


I do congrats all ones that have grown up, to all new eggs, All new hatchlings..


I have two new White eggs take care of them..too..I'll click view one more time, then I am off..


Remember folks just because the clicks do not always raise here, does not mean people are not clicking each ISP address only records one click, the extra ones are from non members outside this thread..But each repeat click by members count as views and thats what grows them up..


Much love to all out members and of course our other two loving Goddesses Dezi and Dani keep me in your good thoughts, and take care of my babaes Ok..

Hopefully see you sooner than later.... :wink:

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