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The Order of the Dragon


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Just been reading something on the Emergency Room, it says
If you are worried about your dragon getting too many views, FOG IT. All fogged dragons will be taken out right away.
Did you "Fog It", by any chance?
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I will be leaving tonight to go back to Afghanistan again for the last three months of my tour...I will be gone for a couple of days so everyopne please click on my eggs...I dont want to get back on with me having four little gravestones in my sig
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Some sick people do that Dezi, abandon that fogged egg, for its either dead or sick, which is real sick..for only the person who fogs it can unfog it, so get it off your hands..Abandon now there is nothing you can do for this persons sick joke..


Clicked all eggs on this page, and not to worry Arch mage...they shall be clicked upon..Take care, be safe..


Also I got two, new eggs and another white, and a storm that will need your help along with my babaes..so don't forget to back peddle to my scroll OK, for I can't post allot yet anywhere..to keep my scroll visable to everyone.So until I am better, find me and click me, so my babaes survive..I do click on the ones on the page I am on when I check in, but can't stay long..So until I am better, that's what I'll do..But please, take care of my babaes and new eggies, if you will, so they live..

Also congrats on any new eggs and babaes..and grown ones..


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I will be leaving tonight to go back to Afghanistan again for the last three months of my tour...I will be gone for a couple of days so everyopne please click on my eggs...I dont want to get back on with me having four little gravestones in my sig

know that they are in good hands.

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