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The Order of the Dragon


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Dragon is gonna die soon HATCH IT


Dragons do not have to die, or reach this point, read an ounce of prevention below.. Either abandon that egg, there are people who do take emergency eggs and hatchlings..NOWWWWWW!!!!

It is way beyond ICU, if you don't want a dead egg on your scroll, abandon to someone who can take care of it..if you abandon it, when someone picks it up a day is added to it, enough for someone to save it..!!


The Grand Crone will repeat for the 99th time..AN OUNCE OF PREVENTION!!!

When your egg hits under 3 days, put it in ICU..However that usually will never happen..IF:..

When an egg is at 4 or 5,days put it in the hatchery on the same site.. When its a hatchling at 4 or 5, days same site Day Care..You'll get all your needed clicks here if all members click, and then repeat clicks give views, and those two places Hatchery and Daycare give you massive views..your dragon or egg needs to progress through the stages..if you don't post allot..


Clicks at this point will not help it, it has over ten ,thats all it needs to hatch..what it needs is more views, it does not have enough.. thats what ICU gives them massive views. These last minute click me at less than a day, shows a lack of responsibility..something all agreed on, on entering The Order of the Dragon..To Read what the Goddesses tell you, to help you....There is nothing at this point we can do..and that is sad..This could have been avoided, I am sorry to bear harsh reality..But, this is a game true, but it also helps teach responsibility at the same time, to that under ones own care , and to others members..Aye..la


Can the Grand Crone Goddess get some acknowledgement from members that this has been read and Understood please!!!!!

So this last minute desperation, and death of dragons, does not have to happen, to you..


~Grand Crone Goddess Aeryn~

Edited by Aeryn333
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