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The Order of the Dragon


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Say ello to my lil white dragon hatchling


'ello wee white dragon, 'ows th' form la, top o' th' mornin' ta ye... :wink:


Donae be forgetin' me second Winter dragon, poor wee thing, only be havin' 4 clicks..

TA, I'm off ta me rounds, an' get meself ready for Solstice ritual..I'll remeber yous all, in it with brightest of blessings this beautiful Winter Solistice.. :thumbsup:

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Helo gwynnwy ddraig.

Shw mae?

(Hello white dragon, how are you?)


OT> Trying to learn more myself by myself, I used to get taught by my Nan but she can't anymore.


OT..Ah ye speak a wee Cymry..Welsh are ye lad, part I am way back..My families surname, came from there long ago, from Wales to Éiren's shores..The second qoute in me Sig is Cymry..The red Ddraig in my scroll is named after the Welsh Ddraig..Y Ddriag Goch..


Now off ta me rounds, don't forget me wee eggs aye lad..

Edited by Aeryn333
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Clicked all dragons on this page along with Sophies!


OT> Well I am part Irish, Scottish, Welsh as well as English.



OT..I noticed in your profile your from the Midlands..What part of the Midlands you from, my best mate lives in Bewdley..

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Congrats Aeryn on the two Winter Eggs. Xedeth has matured, my twins have grown wings, as had my magi, and my black has hatched.


I haven't been on for a couple of days, so I have lots of clicks to make up for...! Everyones Eggs have been clicked, and Sophie has asked me to remind everyone not to forget her Eggs (that are actually Hatchlings now). They're on page 80...


EDIT: Apparently Aaron got there before me. Oh well.

If we're going to do the whole where is everyone from thing then I'm a Scottish/English mix with a wee bit of Irish (although not much) back down the line somewhere.

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