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enable command not recognized


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Just filter in the object window for xmarker and drag it into the same cell which contains the gate.



Just get the same error: C:\Program Files\The Elder Scrolls V Skyrim\Data\Scripts\Source\temp\Hellgate.psc(9,6): enable is not a function or does not exist

No output generated for Hellgate, compilation failed.

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Did you paste the script exactly as I posted it? Not "type it from what you see" - copy > paste.


Scriptname HgateScript extends ObjectReference  
quest property pinheadquest auto 
objectreference property hgate auto 

event oncellattach()
if (pinheadquest.getstage() == 20)


If yes, I don't know what to tell you. It compiles for me just fine.

Edited by acidzebra
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Did you paste the script exactly as I posted it? Not "type it from what you see" - copy > paste.


Scriptname HgateScript extends ObjectReference  
quest property pinheadquest auto 
objectreference property hgate auto 

event oncellattach()
if (pinheadquest.getstage() == 20)


If yes, I don't know what to tell you. It compiles for me just fine.


Yes here is my Screenshot:



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Have you attached the script to the xmarker and not actually to the door itself? Because that would be bad.



Script is attached to teh Xmarker. Kinda working now but now I have a new problem, the door does not become visible untill I exit then renter the cabin. Any thoughts on this lol? would it be .seq file related or what?

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I'm not sure what you want or how your scene is laid out. If you're testing, do you coc directly to the relevant cell - and is that how the player would experience it? Also, don't load from any previous save when testing. Just go to an exterior cell, travel to where you need to be, enter the cell. The door should be loaded for you.
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I'm not sure what you want or how your scene is laid out. If you're testing, do you coc directly to the relevant cell - and is that how the player would experience it? Also, don't load from any previous save when testing. Just go to an exterior cell, travel to where you need to be, enter the cell. The door should be loaded for you.


The door is in a cabin and is disabled. There is an actor called lucius in the cabin also, when you are finished speaking with lucius it sets the stage to 20 but the door does not enable till I exit the cabin then re enter. I am using console command

setstage pinheadqst 20 to trigger the door enabling script

Edited by morrowind1979
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Yes, that's because "oncellattach" event fires when the cell... attaches. AKA when it loads. (not technically true, it may be loaded but unattached but you get what I mean - it attaches when you enter it)


You either need to rework your scene so the cell with the door is loaded only after the stage is set, or figure out how to use quest aliases to do what you what (which should be possible), but I can't help you with that as I'm only starting to figure that stuff out for myself right now. It's confusing as f*ck.

Edited by acidzebra
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