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MO or TMM | Reliability | SKSE


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I used to rename


TESV.exe ->TES_.exe

skse loader.exe -> TESV.exe


together with something (can't remember)



bla runtime bla = TES_.exe..."


in an skse init to be able to use the the normal steam launcher together with the skse loader.


Currently was looking for an alternative for my beloved wrye bash as mod organizer (I have several hundreds of mods running) because two times in a row WB crashed during installation of my mods and was then broken (not being able to install mods any more).


With a huge numer of mod I need as much control as possible oder the mods.


It seems that MO or TES Mod manager are good choices, too. My question is how they work together with SKSE. Can I do with them with SKSE what WB can do, too? And how reliable are they? Is it known that they can crash so seriously that the whole current mod ensemble gets broken?



Thank you for any help



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