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Fallout New Vegas GECK quest problems


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I am having some trouble with my own made quest. I did everything right, but when I'm done with stage ten, it won't go to stage fifty.


In stage 10 you have to kill two people, i did the TargetRef and the Conditions the right way, and the Result Script as well, but when i kill them nothing happens. So if anyone could give me some advice it would be much appreciated.

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I am having some trouble with my own made quest. I did everything right, but when I'm done with stage ten, it won't go to stage fifty.


In stage 10 you have to kill two people, i did the TargetRef and the Conditions the right way, and the Result Script as well, but when i kill them nothing happens. So if anyone could give me some advice it would be much appreciated.


Need more information. What's the result script (Verbatim, please)? How are you tracking if the targets are alive or dead? Which conditions are you referring to? TargetRef display conditions or something else?

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I'll just give you all the detail's of my quest to make sure i'm not missing anything.


*Quest Data*


Quest Name: For The Win.

Quest ID: For The Win

Priority: 55 Script: NONE

Start Game Enabled Script Processing Delay + Default

Quest Conditions



*Quest Stages*



Quest Stage Items: Nothing in there

Result Script setObjectiveDisplayed ForTheWin 10 1

It doesn't Complete the Quest or Fail's the Quest and doesn't have any Conditions



Quest Stage Items: Nothing in there

Result Script SetObjectiveCompleted ForTheWin 10 1

SetObjectiveDisplayed ForTheWin 50 1

It Complete's the Quest and doesn't have any Conditions


*Quest Objectives*



Display Text: Kill "those assholes".

Quest Objective Data:

Target Ref:

Wilderness : 0Ali OnRef(GetDead NONE == 0.00)

AwesomeFactionPlace : 0Tyree OnRef(GetDead NONE == 0.00)



Display Text: Tell Ray Chan you finished the job.

Quest Objective Data:

Target Ref:

RayChanPlace : 1RayChan No Conditions




The one that gives you the quest is "RayChan", the line that start's it is: "Okay, i'll do it."


The two that have to be killed are 0Tyree and 0Ali.

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You need to update the quest objective once the actors in question ARE dead. I would add this to your bad guys' scripts:


begin onDeath

if (0Tyree.GetDead) && (0Ali.GetDead)
setStage ForTheWin 50



Note that you'll need to rename 0Ali and 0Tyree, I'm afraid. RefIDs and FormIDs can't begin with numeric chars, it confuses the game engine if you try to script them.

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It's "Tell Ray Chan you have killed "those assholes". And sorry for the late answers, having some trouble with my internet.


Not what I meant, but honestly I don't think it matters. Mmm. If I were having the problem you're having, I'd probably try to solve it by adding a block to the quest script, like so:


scn FTWScript

Begin GameMode

if (AFTyree.GetDead) && (AFAli.GetDead)

	SetStage ForTheWin 50




If that doesn't work, you might try taking the flow control out of the stage result script and adding it either directly to your actors' scripts or the quest script itself. Might also change from using getDead as condition checkers and adding a control var and modifying that on the actors' death script.


Also, read up on the using the console. In particular, "ShowQuestVars" alias "SQV".

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Two thoughts:


1) Your quest script is linked up to your quest on the first page of the quest, yes?


2) Did you do a clean save to test the changes Xaranth suggested?



I know these are basic questions. I'm only asking because that bit of code is so basic and should be working I am not trying to be insulting :)

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Two thoughts:


1) Your quest script is linked up to your quest on the first page of the quest, yes?


2) Did you do a clean save to test the changes Xaranth suggested?



I know these are basic questions. I'm only asking because that bit of code is so basic and should be working I am not trying to be insulting :)


Yeah, did everything he told me to do xd. Would be kinda stupid of me not to do that :turned:

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