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Spells No Longer Work in Right Hand, Help?


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Hello all,


Sorry if i posted this in the wrong section...


Anywho, lately after installing a couple new mods (One Handed Crossbow beta and a couple craftable armors) that i could no longer cast spells from my main hand... which as you can imagine is rather frustrating. It seems to apply to some NPCs i have encountered as well.


Simply removing the mods i had recently put it did not fix this issue, and for all i know it may be this mod messing with one of the other around 100 i have in...


Anyone have an idea about how i may go about fixing this?


Thank you!

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Only thing I can think of is see if there is any conflicting file paths. You could also check to see if one of the new mods over wrote something, or had animation files, or behavior files that you might need.


any tips on how to approach this? im not really familiar with the process of changing stuff. Dont get me wrong i can follow instructions im just not sure how to get there int he first place haha


conflicting file paths makes sense, but at the same time i tried just removing the recently intsalled mods and it did not help.. think it altered something beyond that?

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