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question about companions


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i have a quick question. ive downloaded a ton of companions but only use a couple at a time. the ones im not using i have stay at my house. my question is what items in their inventory will they use while waiting. i know they sleep, chat with each other, eat bread, drink from their mugs...are there any other items i could give them to make them do more?


im not really lookin for animation spells or anything like that. just items that would make them do more then stand around...ill probably try to give them books and see if they sit and read them or somthing like that. any help is appreciated. thanks

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i have a quick question. ive downloaded a ton of companions but only use a couple at a time. the ones im not using i have stay at my house. my question is what items in their inventory will they use while waiting. i know they sleep, chat with each other, eat bread, drink from their mugs...are there any other items i could give them to make them do more?


im not really lookin for animation spells or anything like that. just items that would make them do more then stand around...ill probably try to give them books and see if they sit and read them or somthing like that. any help is appreciated. thanks


If you wish to have your companions do more things without animation spells, it will be necessary to directly add new AI packages to them in the CS. Even if you add books to their inventory in the game, they will not do anything without adding "UseItemAt" AI package. Actually, those animation spells make an NPC do various actions by adding AI Package.


<For your information>

Reading : "UseItemAt" pacakge

Sleeping : "Sleep" package

Making a potion : "UseItemAt" package

Eating : "Eat" pacakge

Sitting : "Travel" package

...and so on.

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