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Pop-up light from carryable light sources


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That's a tricky issue, and actually TLD doesn't eliminate it. I still prefer to use TLD and its recommended lighting settings. (Di.still.ed Lights is another option but you'll still have that issue.) I'm pretty sure it should go away if you disable constant lighting in the .ini, but I don't like the way lighting looks with constant completely disabled, especially with MGE XE's per pixel lighting. But if you're not using any lighting overhaul and not using per pixel lighting (so your lighting is more vanilla), disabling constant lighting might be a good option.


The tl;dr is that Morrowind lighting sucks and there's no way to fix it completely.

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I'm not sure then but I think it could be The Lightning Mod which solves that issue. I'm pretty sure one of the lightning overhauls I tested does it. Actually I decided to not use any of them, I prefer per pixel lightning with combination of specific shaders like Gamma Correction for example and .ini tweaks. I have pretty same effect I want without installing another mod which messes with lighning settings and gives me also effects I don't want like stilled lights. And I really don't want to disable constant lightning. Anyway, if some mod does it and I'm pretty sure it does, maybe it's just a little .ini tweak what we need.

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