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Bosmer sanctuary grove (player house)


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I would like to request a mod for a Bosmer house. Now my idea is that it will be like a sanctuary grove, located in a isolated cave. like the Shadow green cavern.

So basicly lots green, animals waterfalls etc. I am not sure about the interior yet. But I would like to include all the necessities ( forge smelter, tanning station etc.)


Now I would have worked on this myself, but I dont the modding skills required for it. And I also lack the knowledge to make the place lore friendly.

I am however willing to help and contribute anything that I will be able to do, I also am willing to learn.


So I am asking if someone could help me undertake this small project!


thank you in advance.


Ps. I also have an idea for a barbarian-like house if someone would be more interested in that.

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  • 2 months later...

Wow i have a similar idea than becuse, i though that there needed to be a small house inside of shaddowgreen cavern but i have tryed to make sompthing but i am not familiar with the new

skyrim creation kit.


I will keep trying to make sompthing and if i do i will get back to you about it

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