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Misunderstood people with Asbergers


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to people like me we tend to be socially inept but work hard to surpass our disabilities thru gaming have you ever in a sudden regretable way said something that caused you to be block even though in a moment of clarity youd never say as such? i as this cause this recently happened to me me i have asbergers by gaming i keep my mind occupied and in a safe place cause something like a RPG creating difrent scenarios challenges me but to Nebit98 who i love his work dearly i once asked to help clear loose and error files he took it as a hacker threatening his intellectual property and blocked me never once letting me truely explain my wether or not it was a mistake or intentional or misunderstandinding


i ask is there others who suffered the same?

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  • 3 weeks later...

You have not had replies to this as it does not relate to Skyrim itself or any specific problem in the game itself or a mod. However, I do know plenty about Asperger's, so I feel some response is in order.

First, you need to set out what you want to say elsewhere and then copy it into place when it is ready and properly checked. Otherwise you will often find that you have said things you did not really want to say. You will also cut down on the spelling mistakes, grammatical areas and incoherent phrases. Are you also dyslexic?

There are frequent requests for help on these forums for which the answers are already available here or on posts for individual mods or even in their instructions. Where people have spent a lot of time developing mods only to give them away it is not surprising that sometimes their patience is a little thin. Remember, you have no right to expect anything more from them, unlike the game producers who should at least have the (unmodded) game in working order.

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Guest deleted80903

Ansel has some great advice there, Jadaira. And please don't feel like you are alone in your struggles, either. A lot of us have a hard time connecting with others and with expressing ourselves.


In my early 20's I had some struggles with bipolar issues. Fortunately things never got completely out of control for me, but a lot of people with bipolar disorders often swing from manic to depressive states and often express themselves in very socially damaging ways, and the damage is hard to repair.


Fortunately in the gaming world there are a lot of laid back communities where people don't take things too seriously. Don't give up, keep trying to express yourself constructively, and keep looking for communities and people to hang out with that will be a good fit for you.

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