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Trouble with getting Companions to wear Tsun's armor mod.


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Edit: It's actually JUST Farkas. Is there some reason his default spawn is STEEL armor even when I've changed it? Someone said it had something to do with Proving Honor. How do I fix this?


Edit2: I would like to achieve what the TC here did: http://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/649749-help-request-modding-proving-honor-quest/


I made a plugin in the CK, that gives all the Male Circle Members Tsun's Armor. However, they keep defaulting back to their steel armor.


Is there any reason why there's this problem? When I take all their steel armor, they just respawn it, instead of spawning Tsun's armor like they should (and equipping it).


I've tried this with Ancient Nord armor and had no problems. When I check their outfit in the CK, it says "MQTsunOutfit," so there's no error there.


Also, in Farkas case (I'm just using one companion to test), when I DISABLE/ENABLE him, his default spawn is his steel armor, even though that shouldn't even be spawning anymore (checked in CK, no steel armor AT ALL). Furthermore, it says that he's equipped BOTH Tsun's armor AND steel armor, however that works. Occasionally, he'll be wearing the right armor, but that shouldn't be the case.

Edited by th3warr1or
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