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Custom actor attack animation bug


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I have made a custom actor who is unagressive until the player attacks him. The problem is when I attack the custom actor he only swings his sword 2 or three times then he appears to be stuck on some sort of animation bug where his arms just jerk and he can only rotate but not move lol. Any thouhgts
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I have made a custom actor who is unagressive until the player attacks him. The problem is when I attack the custom actor he only swings his sword 2 or three times then he appears to be stuck on some sort of animation bug where his arms just jerk and he can only rotate but not move lol. Any thouhgts


Found out what was wrong. I stupidly deleted the Navmesh from the cell I duplicated to make my dungeon thinking I didnt need it. Found this out after hours of searching the extremely fickle google lol. So dont delete your Navmesh if you duplicate a cell to create a dungeon! LOL. Now I have to create my dungeon from scratch again, major pain in the ass lol. But such is life!

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Even faster would be to open the CK, not load anything but highlight your mod, click Details, then where it has a Deleted row, click on that and it will filter anything that had been deleted, it will say NAVM I believe. Highlight that, hit delete, press okay. Load your mod and the Navmesh will be back.
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