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Hearthfire spouse and mannequin problems


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The mannequins in my armory are completely bugged out. They roam all over the room and one of them is duplicating armor. If I remove all the items from it they come back and if I replace them with something else the mannequin will un-equip them and duplicate the old item again.


There is also a problem now with my spouse walking backwards, or walking but staying stuck in one spot.


Has anyone had these problems, or know of a place I can find a fix?


I've tried using the unofficial hearthfire patch and a vanilla mannequin fix, neither of them seem to solve the problem.

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I could never get over the fact that ther were wooden men and wouldn't display my armor at all...and changing their sex just made them wooden women with male heads. What I did was load a previous save and rebuilt my house not making the same mistakes like adding the mannequins or the useless display cases...if you don't have too many saves since you finished the house redoing it is an option. For my mannequins I used Portable OnDemand Disposable Unlimited Mannequins SPODUM by SLuckyD setting them to Nord female and I'm much happier. I have no idea why your spouse is walking backwards.
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