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Weapon Health Help


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I'm a long time Morrowind player, but brand new beginner to TES. I used to play Morrowind exclusively on X-Box, until I heard of TES. So I went out and purchased the most powerful PC made to date (constructed piece by piece). so that I could join your family and become another Mod junkie. I used to create games for distribution online for the game "Thief" using DROMED. That was then, this is now. TES seems more interesting at the moment anyway.


Now that you know who I am, let me get to the point and ask a Beginner TES question.


Just created my first few Mods to get a feel of things and noticed that my weapons, especially the Longbow's, health detiorates extremely fast. I'm talking like close to 100 HP in just a couple shots. Anyone willing to explain this one? There is a place in TES to set HP, but nothing I see that determines or sets damage rate.


Sorry for the long introduction on my first post

and Thanks in advance for the help.



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I'm assuming you want to change the amount of health a weapon loses in use globally. To do this, access the "Settings..." dialog from the gameplay menu. Keep on the gameplay tab of this dialog, sort the list by ID, and find the setting named "fWeaponDamageMult." Change it to whatever you desire, keeping in mind that this is a multiplier setting, meaning that if you change it to 1 (ten times its default value), your bow will be damaged by something like 1000 HP in a situation where it will normally take only 100 HP.


After you've made the changes you want, save this as a plugin, load it, and start playing. You should notice the difference immediately.


More gameplay settings can be found in the appendix of Ghan-Buri-Ghan's Morrowind Scripting Guide.

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