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Lakeview Manor bug, can't get a steward.


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Sooo, i bought Lakeview Manor located in Falkreath Hold, i build the house on my own, i furnished it all and after that i realized that i dont get steward.. So now i wont to ask Rayya to become my steward but there isn't dialog option for that, i tried that with other followers to.. Ria, Aela etc.. I dont know why, maybe its becouse i cant get steward when i make everythink? someone have the same problem,bug?
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  • 2 months later...
I had the same problem, worked it out though. Simply ask your chosen steward to follow you, then fast-travel to whichever homestead you'd like them to watch over, and they SHOULD engage the dialogue on their own, asking if you'd like for them to become the steward.
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