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armour effects how people view you


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let me start off with the fact that l know that the mod: "Master of Disguise" exists,but l dont think it does exactly what l want (but plz tell me if it does)



l want a mod, that makes it so, if you wear one set of armour for most of the game (for example: DX necromancer armour,with DX vampire armour for hood w/hair,and the mask from "dark envoy") and play as a mage,people will know the person wearing that set of armour as whatever big thing you have done (ie dragon born,arch mage,master enchanter ect) but if you get tired of people asking you to enchant their swords,or hailing the dovahikin,or just want a change of pace,you can put on a different set of armour (dragon plate,ebony,some other mod added armours) and the people will treat you wearing this new armour as a completely different person. this way,if you use your "master mage" set worn by the arch mage,you wont get "hail sithis" or "hail dovahkin" (think ainz and momon from overlord: as ainz he is the feared lich BBEG,but as momon he is the famed hero of the people) (and maybe have bountys be separate,like how in oblivion the grey cowl gave you a different bounty separate from your normal one)


edit: maybe have a mcm option to disable/enable a requirement for closed face helmets/masks to be needed to be counted as a different person.(would not expect people to think you are a different person if all you have changed is your hat after all)


this would also (if this is even possible,but l doubt it) make it so you can do some quests again,like if you failed a quest for someone because you made them mad,just switch armours and come back or if you sided with the empire in the war,but half way in you decide you want to be a storm cloak,you can switch armour and do the Stormcloak quest-line (how that would work l have no idea,given that you would have to find a way to get the crown back from the other side,and thats just one problem.) you know what,forget this paragraph exists.


PS:if i did not think Master of Disguise could do it,l would ask for this mod to make it so that,for example,if you wore the dark brotherhood armour,guards would attack you on sight,but l am 99% sure MoD does do that part of what l want. ps,yeah,the example of armour l gave is what my current character is wearing.

Edited by skyrimlover1212
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