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AFT And Followers


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Downloaded a LOT of follower mods just for grins. AFT would not activate even though I was, at that time, running one follower. Had no idea what was causing the problem...whether it was a particular mod or a result of all the mods collectively even though I only had one active. Therefore, I went back and, using Vortex, disabled all but the six or seven that I'd installed earlier and already knew were good to go. AFT proceeded to run fine. Then I went back and started enabling in batches of three. Couldn't find the culprit mod. Got'em all reinstalled after a lot checking. Activated three more. AFT was running for the first one only. Kept those three running and went back to start eliminating. Disabled around ten before AFT began working for all four I had activated. At some point, I'll go back and, one at a time, enable those that I've disabled. Wouldn't surprise me if none of them are bad. Comps, gotta love'em.

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I maybe underestimating the steps you have already taken, but I believe according to info on AFT's description page it only works completely on followers you have not activated for their service. So basically Uthgard is the first available game follower. If I fight her and tell her to follow me, after winning of course, and then activate AFT it will not work for her. I have to have it active before the fight. Do not know it it helps :/

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Did you installed the other follower mods before activating AFT in-game?


If so then don't installed any follower mod before checking AFT is working and everything you need to know can be found in the AFT ReadMe book. Check your inventory for that book.

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