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Saved Games Back To Desktop Crash


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I just bought Dawnguard directly from steam. Upon installing i had to patch my skyrim, so did i. When i launched my skyrim afterwards i had to notice that my saved game crashes directly after the loading screen, in the very moment the game should start. I have had way too many mods installed, so i thought it would have been a compatibility problem so i tried activating just some of the downloaded mods, but none of them worked, even vanilla did not. But my other saved games worked just fine. Now i have tried some (not very useful) tips i found via google and messed my skyrim completely up, so i reinstalled it and kept the saves, but still no solution. I just want to play the new addon with my old character, regardless what kind of mods i need/ dont need.

I hope for a quick answer!

Thanks a lot!!!!

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Did you alter uGridsToLoad in the past? if you bumped it up beyond the default setting of five and saved a game, if it were to ever be lowered back to five it causes exactly this kind of CTD.


If this is the case, and you'd like to revert back to uGridsToLoad=5, setup your config with uGridsToLoad=7 (or whatever you had it on). Launch the game and load your save(s). Alt+Tab out, alter uGrids back to 5 and save the .ini. Alt+Tab back in, run the console command "refini", and save your game.

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