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What's the best Mod to improve my frame rate?


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Sorry, you've got it backwards. More mods = decreased framerates. Adding mods will only reduce your framerate more, not increase it. Your only option is to identify the mods that are giving you the most drastic framerate drop - and deciding if you can live without out them.
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The first thing to do is tweak your Operating system for best operation - if the OS is slow - no matter what you do in the game it will still be slow.


Get rid of any unneeded background processes and windows services. They steal cpu time and slow things down - that includes VOIP Skype & IM services especially.


Next is to tweak your video card - the video card people make this easy - I know Nvidia has a set of canned settings for many games - including Skyrim. Start with that & make custom adjustments for your own system.


Then tweak the game settings for the game. Things like the ini settings.


All of this is covered in detail at Tweak Guides.com http://www.tweakguides.com/


Then, you will have a base to compare any mods that claim to 'fix' fps - most actually do things like reduce visual eye candy to improve fps (if the fps is bad enough , it will be worth it)


As for fps, it's very overrated - Xbox caps it at 30 and they run smooth. The biggest thing is to smooth it so there are no big jumps. A jump either up or down causes a small hesitation as the GPU adjusts to the new value. An fps capper can help with that.

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