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NPC package problem - UseOwnedOnly

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creationkit website says:


UseOwnedOnly (Bool): If true, the actor will pick only target references that the actor owns (whether through Actorbase, Actor, or Faction ownership). Further, it will NOT pick targets that have no owner. (Meant to be useful for setting up Workship towns, along with the Papyrus function SetActorRefOwner.)


I tested, that but like always thats not function correct :mad:..


The NPC still uses/picks up targets that have no owner, not only his owned targets/markers. I need to force the NPC to use only his owned targets/markers. Using a patrol package is possible, but

the randomness to select targets/markers is not possible (or have i missed something?), but i need the randomness.


Alternative to give the npc a small radius and place only his owned targets/markers in that area is possible but will cause that i cant let the npc go to targets/markers which are further away (also bad solution).


Has anyone a idea, or am i missing here something with the UseOwnedOnly function ?!




EDIT problem solved:


I had a second faction on my NPC (who used not only the desired/owned targets/markers), but this faction was set to some targets/markers as ownership some time ago. Althoug i removed the ownership from these targets/markers, the targets/markers still had a ref to these faction as owned :wallbash: . Deleting these faction and making a new one (without attached again to these objects) solved the problem :dance:

Edited by Citizenbari
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