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DynDOLOD aspen tree bark too bright


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I recently changed treeaspenbarkcomp.dds file to darker one and ran into issue with distant trees while using DynDOLOD to generate static 3d trees (set TreeLOD=0 in the settings). Distant aspen trees now have too bright bark texture, while the leaves are just fine.


I already found out that some aspen trees got bark texture from textures\DynDOLOD\lod\dyndolodtreelod.dds (located in DynDOLOD Resources) and managed to solve the biggest offenders, but the issue still remains. Anyone got clue what texture could those distant aspen trees use for bark?

I'm not using any tree mesh replacers like RAT or EVT.


Here's pretty bad screenshot of the issue. Sorry I'm on VR version so the image quality is bad.


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