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FNIS idle crashes with PCEA?


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I don't know how, it just suddenly happened one day. Whenever I have PC exclusive Animation Mod skyrim crashes when using any sort of idle. For example, game will crash when using idles in the FNIS mod, or if NPCs use any idle animation in vanilla skyrim.I have pretty much updated EVERYTHING, FNIS, skyrim, SKSE. Can anyone suggest a fix?
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  • 5 months later...

I'm having this problem as well. I'd be interested if anybody has any ideas.


Just as a background, Skyrim CTD upon loading a save at Whiterun. I uninstalled all mods, reinstalled Skyrim, and got everything running smoothly. When I load FNIS everything seems stable. Then loading PCEA with FNIS causes CTD on the load within about 2 seconds. Running FNIS tool doesn't seem to help, although there's a few things in there I'm not sure which I'm supposed to check. I've tried various combinations and haven't had any success.

Edited by toxic600rr
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