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[Scripting] StealthBoy Effect help - Fo4 equivalent to FNV functions

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What is the equivalent of FNV's "begin gamemode" in Fallout 4? And how can I activate a function when an NPC is attacking. I'm working on stealth effect and I'd like to remove the stealthboy effect when the said actor is attacking. In Fallout New Vegas it used to be like that.

if GetAnimAction == 2 && Cloaked == 1
    RemoveSpell StealthBoyInvisibilitySpell
    set Cloaked to 0
    PMS NightkinCloakFXShader 1
    if soundcheck == 0
    refvar.PlaySound3D OBJStealthBoyActivate
    set soundcheck to 1



EDIT: I managed to make it work. There was no reason to create a script but I needed to play with [spells] and manage specific conditions for spell's magic effects. Looks like I really need to forget about doing everything with script and use every tool of the Creation Kit. Thanks Elsidia1 for the help!

Edited by Stowx
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I don't understand question clearly but you try a event on hit?


When actor is hit event on hit is activated.


Event OnPlayerLoadGame()
RegisterForHitEvent(game.getplayer()) ; there you can put npc reference in ()


Event OnHit(ObjectReference akTarget, ObjectReference akAggressor, Form akSource, Projectile akProjectile, bool abPowerAttack, bool abSneakAttack, bool abBashAttack, bool abHitBlocked, string apMaterial)
; need to register it again. Stupid, but necessary.
RegisterForHitEvent(game.getPlayer()) ; the same for NPC


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