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Hearthfire removing furniture mod


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Probably everyone did some wrong decisions while building and decorating his house. The problem is, that you can't remove any furniture or other things that you have once built. I've been searching for some clue how to do this, but as I know it's impossible for now.


I think it should be easy to do with modding, and it would bring opportunity for redecorating your house :)


P. S. Sorry for my English, I tried not to do many mistakes :)

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  • 5 months later...

i dont know a mod for this but if you are desperate you can delete the funurture with the console command markfordelete, after you delete it you will have to save and reload for it to disapear, but i dont believe you can remake it after its gone so be careful i guess.

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  • 1 year later...

Bumping this old post.


I'd love to be able to remove furniture from the workbench in my hearthfire homes. It would not only make building SO much easier (building anvils that I otherwise wouldn't want in my home, then removing them after I've finished construction) but it would also help to keep the hearthfire home fresh in the wings you invested in (changing up the trophies that you originally created in a trophy room).


If anyone could make a mod like that, I'd download it in a second!

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The closest existing mods to help with this are the Storage Helpers and Jaxonz Positioner mods. Both allow you to move items, so you can choose to simply move any items you don't want up or down until they are outside of the bounds of the house. (For that pesky anvil, make sure you move it far enough out that the NPCs can't detected it or they'll sometimes stand where it used to be trying to get to it instead of doing something more interesting.)
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  • 6 months later...

A note on redecorating when using the steward to build items inside your house....

I told my steward to build everything inside my main hall in Lakeview, then decided to install "Shezrie's Hearthfire Kitchens and Greenhouses". That mod gives you the option to put a kitchen in the back room of the Main hall. I went through and deleted everything in that room with "Jaxons Positioner" and some markfordelete (gotta have a clear room for that mod to work, or you have competing furniture and it's a mess). After a few days of adventuring, I come back and realize my steward started rebuilding all the missing furniture! Made a huge mess....

I don't know if the steward will stop this remodeling process once everything is built, since there are still missing pieces upstairs and in the front of the main hall. I will update if that is the case... I am also going to try to just use "disable" and see if it keeps them from coming back, I'm thinking it should since it just hides the items.

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