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how would you run a village?


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say if became the leader of a small group of people and had to set a village near or far one of the towns where would you place it and what would you do?


you have a start of about 5 villagers so think small at the start of this and post about how it would grow try and keep it real


try to think of dangers as well making choices for your village can lead to rewards and dangers i will post some dangers of natural causes


oh and name your villagers i will post random "events" for each of you


its a RPG in a sense but tests how you could lead in games like KOTOR 2 and Mass Effect



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say if became the leader of a small group of people and had to set a village near or far one of the towns where would you place it and what would you do?


you have a start of about 5 villagers so think small at the start of this and post about how it would grow try and keep it real


try to think of dangers as well making choices for your village can lead to rewards and dangers i will post some dangers of natural causes


oh and name your villagers i will post random "events" for each of you


its a RPG in a sense but tests how you could lead in games like KOTOR 2 and Mass Effect



Funnily enough tonight I discovered the quest (and I'd better be vague or it's a spoiler) where you have to sort out the problem of some people trying to build a settlement but thwarted by a goblin war. So I guess the first things you'd rationally do out in the sticks in a place like Tamriel would be to build a stockade, stock up with arms, and practise using them.


Your people would need to produce trade goods and/or services so would have to be not too far from a city. Having a few ferocious dogs around would help in keeping the bad guys away :)

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Step 1: Survey potential sites for forestation, valuable/useful stone, rivers, and magma. We don't need all of those, of course, but ideally at least three. Make sure there are no powerful Goblin tribes nearby.

Step 2: Pick settlers. We'll need two miners, one of which with developed social skills, a mechanic, a woodworker, a mason, and two farmers, one of which who knows how to butcher. That's seven. Make sure someone in the group knows a bit about architecture, and either the mason or the woodworker can effectively create smaller crafts like mugs and toys for trade.

Step 3: Purchase a horse and cart (we can disassemble it upon arrival for extra wood), two copper picks (Copper, mind you. We're working on a budget), one steel battle-axe, an anvil, and a variety of seeds, meats, and alcohol.

Step 4: Embark and strike the earth!

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Village hmmmmmmmmmm? The 5 settlers shall be Varic Hellblade, a nord warrior that can defend in the early days, occasionally assissting myself in raids on bandit and marauder camps and the occasional competing settlement(: devil :). Mina Jaska, a redguard farmer that has a good green thumb and can grow all the crops we need. Kriak Jaska, Mina's husband, a seasoned rancher that can raise livestock, we found a spot in the West Weald far from immediate threats and it is perfectly suited for horses, cattle, and sheep. Rorack Flamefist, a Breton mage I met in my travels long ago, skilled in many forms of magicka, an excellent alchemist and therefore healer, he also has a rather unique ability (I say that for I have not come across another mage with such an ability) he is able to errect portals to various cities using welkends, varlas and very powerful soulgems, very helpful for trading, AND attacking (: devil :). Finally my last addition Neira, she is an excellent architect and skilled in both masonry and carpentry, she's also not bad with a bow and adept at brewing poisons (: devil :).


BUDGET: 10,000 septims



WAGON: 3,000 septims

HORSE: 5,000 septims (Black)

INITIAL FOOD: 250 septims (1 month for 6 people for 3 meals/day)

SEED: 500 septims (5 rows each of corn, lettuce, leaks, patatos, carrots, onions, and beets)

BUILDING SUPPLIES: 1,250 septims (nails, screws, hammers, anything we can't harvest from the dense forest around the site)



1)Establish a farming system, the Jaskas already have livestalk

2)Build a main mall w/ room for 10 to board, this will eventually bouble as an inn

3)Erect 5 homes 1 for each person, except the Jaskas who share a home

4)Rorac will teleport me to several towns where I will recruit settlers, projected to follow: 10

5)Destroy/conquer nearby settlement (Alderwatch, no warriors) and claim the stone there no prisoners

6)Use stone to fortify main hall, excess will be used for constructing the wall

7)Kill off the 3 nearby goblin tribes infesting the two iron mines and silver mine (the tribes are weak)

8)Send any settlers experienced in mining to Keenedge Mine (richer of the two iron mines)

9)Destroy/conquer nearby settlement (Iansvatch, 3 warriors, inexperienced), clame stone and food, prisoners will be taken. projected taken: 3

10)Use stone to construct Smithy

11)I will have Rorac teleport me to the Imperial City to recruit (projected 13) and obtain an anvil

12)Construct more houses (approx. 10)

13)Keep 5 miners at Keenedge, send the rest to Wolfbane mine (silver mine) to begin turning a profit

14)Begin constructing a stone mine, the bluff protecting our Southern side is ideal

15)Recruit (projected 20)

16)Build more houses (approx. 15)

17)Begin sending miners to EagleEye mine (stone)

18)Begin construction of wall, allowing for 50 more homes, 3 taverns, 2 more smithies, 10 shops, 3 guildhalls and 3 Baracks complexes

19)Send 5 miners to Axehead mine (2nd iron mine)

20)Rorac will teleport me to Cheydinhall, there I plan on distributing flyers advertising Bluffhead (our settlement), purchase 5 more black horses with the plundered gold and the silver profits

21)Begin breeding horses

22)start constructing wagons to ship silver, iron, and excess stone to Skingrad and other cities

23)Set up more structured government. order of power (greatest to least) : Lord-->Senate--> Guildmasters-->Commitees

24)Form city guard

25)Establish construction committee to survey settlers and build homes, taverns, smithies and shops as needed

26)Expand Stone mine (deeper shaft etc.) and have more workers quarry

27)send 5 more workers each to Axehead, Wolfbane, and Keenedge mines.

28)Wall should be complete, shift workers from the wall to smithing if they have experience, or building homes and etc.

29)By now many settlers whould have arrived to increase our size (projected: 50)

30)I will ride with the next trade caravan to Skingrad, where I will scout defenses then proceed to the Imperial city where I plan to place an advertisement for our colony which should bring even more settlers

31)After all this time we should have finished building homes and other constructs and no longer have room within our main wall. Begin construction of a Curtain wall that will protect middle class housing and the main bazaar.

32)Begin training an army, with all the settlers I have now we should be able to construct a force of about 30

33)Expand all mines and double workers on site at each

34)I will ride, along with Varic and Rorac, to the Aylied ruin of Silorn, the mages guild cleared it of Necromancers not long ago. We hope to establish a base there, it would serve as an excellent fortress and military outpost.

35)The 2nd curtain wall should be complete, begin construction of 160 homes and central market place (about 50 shops, taverns etc.)

36)Begin moving troops to Silorn

37)Contact the Dark Brotherhood, assassin-trained soldiers would be quite an asset, and we will need the guard captains assassinated before we attack, but not to soon.

38)The city should be massive by now, expand mines further and add 10 more workers to each

39)Begin conscripting civillians, free food, room and board, and a high pay

40)Have assassins take out the three Skingrad guard captains

41)Launch the assault on Skingrad, take prisoners but leave no military personel allive, restrain all armed persons heavily and throw them into the prison.

42)Continue to expand and slowly take over all the cities in Cyrodiil.

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hate to say it but login is right if you can try and keep to the laws of the legion or your will attacked from bandits and legions



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I was being optomistic, and what reason would the legion have to attack me before I conquered Skingrad? My projections were a little high because it was meant to be a projection of how many people had come to the settlement between the last recruitement run and that recruitment run. I put those as projections I'll begin posting "actual progress" that will be much more realistic.Back to the legion thing. I conquered two settlements out in the boonies for stone in the early days, now the location was to be south of Silorn near the Elseweyr border so the legion would have to have a REEEALLY slow day to bother riding off of the road to kill off a few settlers that have done a little pillaging, after all there is the thieves guild and dark brotherhood to worry about and of course other crimes going on.
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To be honest I really have no idea where I got the idea from. top of my head i guess(?). BTW #55 isn't invade Poland it's invade Hammerfell lol. And yeah, it is unrealistic, got carried away for a bit rofl.(okay got REALLY carried away for AWHILE)
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