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how would you run a village?


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Y'know what? This is more fun than standard village-making. Let's continue. :D


56: Recruit as many Hammerfell Nords as possible through mind-control fliers. Station as many high-ranking soldiers as possible to govern training.

59: Projected population: 9337, 706 of which are soldiers.

65: Train elite high-level dungeon crawling squads to clear as many dungeons as possible as a cheap source of training and powerful weapons/armor.

67: Going back to the previously conquered Summerset Isles, recruit as many mages as possible and get them working on the strongest and longest duration Fire spell reasonably possible.

68: Move this corps to the Imperial City through Water Walking and Fortify Speed.

69: Use ultimate fire spell to re-light the dragonfires. Since Dragonfires off now equals no Oblivion Crisis, lighting them again should start it.

86: Enslave Mehrunes Dagon.


Feel free to fill in the blanks, or pick up where I left off. ;D

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Keep it in Oblivion, huh? That's going to make things more difficult. Also, we probably can't count on many immigrants. This will be a Mage's Guild-sponsored expedition, then.



Deliberately-Misinterprets-Instructions, Argonian Guild Mage. All-around, with some knowledge of Alchemy.

Lucinde Julien, Breton Guild Mage. Knowledgable in Conjuration and Alchemy.

Marinus Honoratus, Imperial Battlemage.

Hilarius Cicero, Imperial Guild Mage. All-around, with some knowledge of Alchemy.

Yrla, Nord Ranger and Carpenter



Step 1: Purchase a horse and cart. Fill it with primarily wood, food, alchemical ingredients, and some cloth. Bring one Spellmaking Altar and one Enchanting Altar.

Step 2: Hire a Fighter's Guild troop to help clear out the area.

Step 3: Embark through the Oblivion Gate!

Step 4: Kill all "intelligent" Daedra, imprison others in the Sigil Tower's slave pens (I think that's what they were called) when possible.

Step 5: After settling in, gather alchemical ingredients for export and potion-making (which can, in turn, be exported) and study the plane and its inhabitants.

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0_o I've created a monster


Okay realistic Bluffhead expidition woohooo!


Myself and the 5 other settlers purchased a black horse and a cart then proceeded to the sight, south of Silorn near the Elseweyr border, a few goblins bothered us and Mrs. Jaska was wounded but Rorack tended to her, she'll be fine in a couple of weeks. At the sight Rorack, Varic and I began to fell trees clearing an area for us to build up initially. At roughly noon, just before we broke for our repast, another contingent of goblins attacked, this time we thankfully avoided any serious injuries, it was enough to have Mrs. Jaska wounded, we didn't need any of us warriors hurt. I gathered from the palor of their skin that they were of the Charbone Tribe, a typically unheard of tribe, but having scouted for months in this area I had seen them several times. I never thought they would stray this far west though, how disturbing, something must have driven them this way, it had only been a week since I had returned to bring the expedition here and they never strayed far from Wolfbane mine then, something big must be over there. Rorack, Varic and I began taking shifts to patrol around camp (as it were, we only had a few tents erected as we cleared the area of trees). Progress was slow but we were able to make a little progress on what was to be the castle, but would initially be an Inn. Those damned goblins attacked last night, all panicked though, not really trying to kill us but just running from their mine, we began to kill them thinking it was an attack, and that got them fighting. Off towards the mine there was a huge red flash and a loud bang, the goblins sprinted off howling into the night. We never saw them again, annoying little buggers. This is getting worrysome, I told Rorack that I would need to go to Skingrad and hire some mercenaries for defense, we were to small and weak to defend against whatever spooked the goblins alone. Rorack teleported me to Skingrad and I walked to the local Fighters Guildhall, and promptly hired 4 mercenaries (strong, but not too strong that Varic, Rorack and I couldn't kill them should their motives sway), They mounted their horses and I led the way on foot, ah, boots of the Olympian, best 5,000 septims I've ever spent. When we arrived at Bluffhead I was shocked, the Mainhall foundations were ablaze, the tents ripped and on fire aswell. I noticed 4 sets of boot prints heading North, towards Silorn, headed east towards Wolfbane mine, where the sky grew red and dark were drag marks and some odd boot prints, jagged and pointy like-oh no, oh no, not here, how could this be? Quickly the mercenaries and I raced North, following the first trail of tracks, we quickly came upon my fellow settlers, except for Mr. Jaska, Damn...

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I would go around uniting all the other settlements with a promise of safety in numbers and togeather form a new city.


The only problem is that there would be many abandoned settlements around.

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for bandits to use and take over as bases giving the legion a hard time


i was wondering when you would show up Xan hehe nice to see you



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Thanks, school works been piling up.


After I have united the small settlements we have to choices.


1. Start a completely new settlement somewhere (like the nibenay basin)


2. Rebuild Kvatch and use the resources there.


hmmmm decisions

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