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Running out of ideas for fixes. Infinite Loading Screens and CTDs


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It's the same setup I had the last time I played about 2 years ago. Nothing has really changed aside from using vortex instead of NMM. That time I ran a very heavily modded game as well, but had less issues. My drivers and everything are up to date. Granted I could use more RAM, I'm sitting at 16. Got a I7 processor and 1080ti.

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After hours of going backwards uninstalling mods I think I've narrowed it down to 5. I was uninstalling 5 at a time to try and save a bit of time.


Fuz Ro Doh
Alternate Voice Patch(for Fuz Ro Doh)
Barenziah Quest Markers
BillyRo Weapons
Hearthfire Multiple Adoptions


Going to further test adding in each of these to see which one causes the issue again. My money is on Multiple Adoptions, someone in the comments seemed to have a similar issue. Won't be able to continue testing atm, but will update later.

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OK, back to the beginning. Do you have the latest updates for all your equipment, especially the graphics card?

I'll assume you have sufficient CPU, RAM etc. Do you have any background programs running? Vortex often leaves one hanging that does not show up on Task Manager. Make sure you are logged out if you are using that. Check your antivirus settings and any other updaters. Norton has thrown me out of Skyrim in the past. Go through your start-up programs. Do you really need them?

So after many hours of meticulously uninstalling nearly everything I found the culprit. The previous list of 5 that were potential was the set that led me to it, but it wasn't what I thought it was. Turns out all this was caused by a bad download of Fuz Ro D-oh. Redownloaded it and installed it and now it's working fine! Thanks again for the help, it got me motivated to work harder to find the issue and your original suggestions gave me a place to start. I just feel like an idiot for acting like such a novice during all of this. Been modding since Morrowind and really screwed myself up on this one.

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