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Trying to edit some textures, but the changes don't show up when I


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So I downloaded the Armor of Justice mod. I didn't care for the hood, so I'm using a different one- problem is, the curiass' collar clips through it. So I thought I'd just go into the texture and erase the portion that's clipping. So I do- but when I load up the game, nothing is different.


Now, I've checked several times with the BSA browser, and the textures are in the right path to override the included BSA file, but for some reason they can't do so. Any ideas? There's a BSL file as well, but I'm not sure what that is.

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I think the order of precedence is mod BSA > loose files in textures folder > skyrim native textures BSA. So if the same textures exist in the textures folder, the ones in the BSA will win. You could change the BSA with the archive tool or extract it, then overwrite what you want with BSA browser.


BSL is, I think, just a list of the files contained in the BSA, normally you don't need it.

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