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Low framerates?


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I know Skyrim is CPU bound, and mine isn't exactly spectacular, but I'm not sure if I'm getting high enough framerates. The game is at all ultra, 1080p, only performance hitting mods are texture packs.


i5 2320 3.3GHz

GTX 670 OC



Something I have noticed is my GPU usage is pretty low, it doesn't really seem to go above 60% even when the frames drop below 60FPS. I can get it to hit 99% though if I run the game in 3D or do something stupid like play with the wireframe on.


Out and about obviously I have no trouble sustaining 60FPS, but there are places like the waterfall in Markarth, Dragonsreach overlooking Whiterun etc. where it will drop to around 30FPS. Is that normal? I know FPS takes a hit in cities but that seems like a lot.



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