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Vampire Lord


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So... In my game, the transformation time for vampire lord takes anywhere between twelve seconds to two minutes.


I've been fiddling with my load order. It was worst when I was running Belua Sanguinare, but then I switched to Better Vampires. For a while, the transformation was smooth again, a little under five seconds. But right now it's ridiculous. I'd hit the powers button, and just stand there for about ten seconds. Then the bass sound effect and screen blur would kick in, and my character would continue to stand there for another twelve or fifteen seconds. Then the cringing animation would play, and he would get stuck, in his cringe, for about five seconds. Then, he'd finally burst out of his form, but would be naked. Another five seconds, his clothes load, then another twelve seconds, his spells load.


It's driving me crazy. Any suggestions? Anyone else with a similar problem?

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